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This survey is specifically targeted at the South African Market to establish your attitude towards ladies fashion, how you prefer to shop and what you expect from your fashion retailer. By gaining your feedback we can ensure you have the ultimate fashion shopping experience, by providing you with fashion to suit your style and your budget.

For question one please check one box for each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree. For the remaining questions please check one answer from the multiple choice selection.

Definitely Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Somewhat Agree Definitely Agree
I like to buy clothes.
I feel good when I buy something new.
I buy clothes I like, regardless of current fashion.
I only buy new fashion trends once they have been around a while.
I am not as concerned about fashion as I am about modest prices and wearability.
I prefer to buy well-known designer labels rather than take a chance on something new.
My friends regard me as a trend setter and value my advice on fashion selection.
I am confident of my own good taste in clothing.
I regard buying new clothes as a hobby not a necessity.
I'm not afraid to be the first to wear brand new fashion trends.
I like clothes that make the most of my figure.
There is not enough trendy fashion available for ladies with a fuller figure
In this period of rising prices, spending excessive amounts of money on clothes is ridiculous.
How much would you usually spend on a dress that you would wear during the day?
R200.00 or less
R200.01 to R250.00
R250.01 to R300.00
R300.01 to R350.00
R350.01 to R400.00
More than R400.00
When shopping for clothes, do you try them on in store or do you prefer to try them on in the comfort of your own home?
in store
at home
How much do you typically spend on clothes and accessories every month?
Under R1000.00
R1000.01 - R1250.00
R1250.01 - R1500.00
R1500.01 - R1750.00
R1750.01 - R2000.00
R2000.01 - R2250.00
R2250.01 - R2500.00
R2500.00 - R3000.00
R3000.00 and over
What is your approximate age?
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 and over
Do you have access to Broadband (ADSL/3G)?
at home
at work
no access
Do you normally shop online? If so, what do you usually purchase:
All of the above
Never shop online
If you had access to an on trend, affordable fashion website would you shop online for your clothing?
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* Last Name : 
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