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Below are a list of features that are part of the product. How important is each feature to you?
Not At All Important
2Not important 3 4 5
Extremely Important
Vitamin Dosage
Fitness Band
Touch Screen and FITNESS APP
This survey is about a new product concept that is described as follows:

The fitness coffee maker is a two part system in which the fitness band contacts the coffee maker, via bluetooth or USB 2.0 cable, with information based upon your activity during the day and sleep at night. The coffee maker then gathers the information and creates the perfect blend of coffee the user needs based on user's average activity and the amount of sleep the night before. The coffee maker also adds vitamins in powder form that are equivalent to the doses in daily multivitamins, ensuring that the user receives daily multivitamins without having to remember to take pills. The coffee maker is ran by a Fitness App controlled by the Wrist Hug band. The fitness app is accessible on the touch-screen portion of the smart pot where it displays hourly measurements of activity and sleep levels.
Whether or not you know about FITNESS COFFEE SYSTEM, how favorable is your overall reaction?
Very good
What is it that you like most about FITNESS COFFEE SYSTEM? Please enter as many items as you wish.
What do you like least about [Product]?
Based on the product description, how interested would you be in buying this new FITNESS COFFEE SYSTEM if it were within your budget? Please check one.
Not at all interested
Not very interested
Not sure
Somewhat interested
Extremely interested
About what would you expect to pay for a new FITNESS COFFEE SYSTEM?
How often do you drink coffee?
Once a week or more often
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times a year
Once a year or less
Do not use
Thank you for your feedback.
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