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Please answer the questions below to help us better understand how and where you like to shop. Thank you again for your time and input!
* What % of your shopping (excluding grocery) is done in retail stores?
Majority (75%+)
Most (50-74%)
Some (25-49%)
Limited (1-25%)
* Thinking back on your past few shopping experiences in a physical store, how would you rate your experience looking for and deciding on the right product(s)?
Very easy to find and decide on the right product
Somewhat easy to find and decide on the right product
Mixed bag
Somewhat difficult to find and decide on the right product
Very difficult to find and decide on the right product
What percentage of the time do you choose to go online for the following shopping activities?
0% <10% 11-25% 26-50% 51-75% >75%
* Shop for a product when I know exactly what I want
* Shop for a product when I’m not sure what I want
* Compare products I'm considering
* Browse / window shop for fun
* Shop for a product for a specific occasion
Please state your agreement with the following statements comparing the online and in-store shopping experience :
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree, nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
* I typically find a broader assortment when shopping online
* I receive a more personalized shopping experience when shopping online
* I receive more complete product information when shopping online
* It’s easier to search for a product online than to ask a store associate for help
* Shopping online is more efficient than shopping in a store and saves me time
* It’s easier to compare items online and make a decision about which product to buy than in a store
* Shopping online is more fun than shopping in a store
* Your Name (First Name, Last Initial)