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In your opinion, Please let us know how far do you agree or disagree with the following statements -
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree not Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I believe women are as capable as men of serving in senior executive positions..
Women and men are respected equally in my organization.
Sufficient opportunities exist in my organization for women to advance into senior management positions.
In my organization, women are primarily encouraged to apply for support roles (such as staff positions, administrative services, etc.) rather than for operational, technical, and general management positions.
In my organization, competitiveness/assertiveness in women is viewed as a negative trait.
"Good old boy networks in my organization limit women’s opportunities for promotions to senior positions.
In my organization, there are equal career development opportunities for men and women.
In my company, the number of women penetrating the hierarchy and achieving senior positions is steadily rising.
My organizations structure and practices favor male employees.
In my organization, anti-discrimination/affirmative-action regulations are viewed as a mandated inconvenience.
In my company, women have to perform better than their male counterparts to be promoted to the same position.
Management of my organization is committed to anti-discrimination practices.
Currently, IN YOUR ORGANIZATION, how helpful would you say each of the following factors are in enhancing women’s career advancement?
Not at All Helpful Slightly Helpful Fairly Helpful Quite Helpful Greatly Helpful
Being a woman
Being a younger woman (rather than an older woman)
Being a single woman (rather than married)
Being physically attractive (being good looking)
Expressing interest in high stake, challenging, and visible assignments
Being entrepreneurial and taking initiatives
Balancing work-home demands more effectively
Spending time (e.g., socializing) in the workplace with superiors and influential individuals
Socializing with superiors and influential individuals outside of the workplace
Having a cooperative and non-threatening style
Not at All Helpful Slightly Helpful Fairly Helpful Quite Helpful Greatly Helpful
Retaining femininity but performing against stereotypes
Having a direct and competitive/aggressive style
Having a senior-level MALE mentor (or sponsor) in the organization
Having a senior-level FEMALE mentor (or sponsor) in the organization
Being politically savvy and skillful in building alliances
Willingness to relocate when required
Willingness to put your family (or family plans) on the back burner and devoting all your attention to your career
In your opinion, GENERALLY, how much of an obstacle/impediment to women’s career advancement are each of the following factors?
Not an Obstacle Minor Obstacle Noticeable Obstacle Significant Obstacle Huge Obstacle
Corporate structures and practices favor male employees
Women should not be in a position of authority over men
Women are not sufficiently competitive and ambitious
Women lack of enthusiasm in taking on high-stake and challenging assignments
Higher expectations of performance and effort from women, compared to men
Inadequacy of company programs that make it easier for women to balance their work and home responsibilities
Perceptions those women’s careers are not as important because they are not the primary family provider
Women lack of adequate general management and/or line experience
Women lack of political savvy
Perceptions that women are too indecisive, weak, and irrational to be effective leaders
Not an Obstacle Minor Obstacle Noticeable Obstacle Significant Obstacle Huge Obstacle
Women reluctance/inability to relocate if the job requires it
Perceptions that women may eventually leave the workplace to raise a family
Women’s conflicting work and family demands
Perceptions that men make better managers than women
Career interruptions for child bearing, child raising, and similar family responsibilities
Male employees discomfort with having female managers/superiors
Perceptions that women are emotionally/intellectually unsuitable for management positions
In your opinion, HOW HELPFUL IN GENERAL would each of the following organizational practices be in developing and advancing women's careers?
Not at All Helpful Slightly Helpful Fairly Helpful Quite Helpful Greatly Helpful
Development of mentorship programs offered to women
Focusing special company recruiting practices to seek out qualified women for high-level positions
Developing "Fast Track" managerial programs that identify and develop high potential women
Encouraging women to participate in out-of-office social activities
Creation of career development support groups and networks for women
Offering programs that help women balance their work and family obligations
Implementation of onsite childcare
Offering parental leave programs
Offering flexi-time(flexible hours) work schedules
Having a sufficient number of women role models in the highest levels of the organization
Not at All Helpful Slightly Helpful Fairly Helpful Quite Helpful Greatly Helpful
Strengthening commitment to anti-discrimination and affirmative action guidelines
Encouraging women and increasing opportunities for them to gain a combination of line and staff experiences
Encouraging and helping women to broaden their professional experiences (their general management experiences)
Increasing opportunities for women to spend time and work in corporate headquarters
Increasing opportunities for women to assist and/or work with influential executives
Encouraging women and increasing opportunities for them to serve on high visibility assignments/projects
Establishing managerial accountability for development and advancement of women
Mentorship program
To what extent do you feel a glass ceiling exists IN YOUR COMPANY?
To No Extent
To a Little Extent
To a Moderate Extent
To a Great Extent
To a Very Great Extent
Do you believe pay inequality exists between males and females with the same credentials IN YOUR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT?
Yes, a LARGE pay inequality exists IN FAVOR OF FEMALE employees (i.e., females earn more than males).
Yes, a MODERATE pay inequality exists IN FAVOR OF FEMALE employees.
Yes, a SMALL pay inequality exixts IN FAVOR OF FEMALE employees.
No, THERE IS NO PAY INEQUALITY between male and female employees (i.e., both earn the same).
Yes, a SMALL pay inequality exists IN FAVOR OF MALE employees.
Yes, a MODERATE pay inequality exixts IN FAVOR OF MALE employees.
Yes, LARGE pay inequality exixts IN FAVOR OF MALE employees.
In what way (if any) would you say your gender has impacted your chances of receiving (or not receiving) a promotion AT YOUR CURRENT WORKPLACE?
Very Negatively
No Impact--Neither Negatively or Positively
Very Positively
If you have taken time off work for such family responsibilities, to what degree do you feel it has harmed your chances of career advancement?
None whatsoever
Noticeably (but reversible)
Quite a bit (seriously/hard to correct)
Extremely (lasting/irreparable)
Not Applicable (Did not take any time off)
Your MENTOR at the current place of work is ?
Age(in years)
Marital Status(Single/Married)
Current Employer
Career Level(Entry/Middle/Top Mgmt)
Experience with current employer(in months)
Total Experience(in months)
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