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Fuld TLC Panel on Direct Selling - Survey #2

Fuld Thought Leadership Community (TLC) - Panel on Direct Selling - Survey #2
Exit Survey
Thank you again for your participation in the Fuld Thought Leadership Community - Panel on Direct Selling! We are so thankful for your responses and engagement.

Welcome to our second survey. Please take 30 to 45 minutes to let us more about your direct selling experience. We look forward to continue learning from your perspective.

Remember, we will never reveal or share your personal information to third parties. The results of this study will be aggregated and your individual responses will not be disclosed. The final report will be made available to all panel participants, but it will not be publically distributed.
Personal Information
* First Name:
* Last Name:
Selling Skills
* 1. What do you feel are your strengths as a sales representative?
* 2. What sales skills do you hope to improve upon?
* 3. What specific programs/events/actions does your company offer that help you improve your sales skills? Please be specific.
* 4. What specific programs/events/actions does your mentor offer that help you improve your sales skills? Please be specific.
* 5. Where do most of your sales leads come from? (Please select one.)
Personal friends and family
Networking events
Product parties with acquaintances and friends-of-friends
Social media presence
Community presence (like church groups, volunteer clubs, school groups, etc.)
Other, please describe
* 6. What’s the most interesting or innovative product sales approach you have seen or heard of?
* 7. In your experience, what’s the most successful approach for encouraging customers to continue purchasing products?
* 8. What strategies do you use to prevent the “end-of-month rush” from occurring?
* 9. At what point in your relationship with a customer will you start talking to them about becoming a distributor?
Less than 3 months
Between 3 and 12 months
After 1 year
* 10. Do you recruit sales representatives mainly from existing customers or others?
Existing customers
* 11. How does your company coach current sales representatives on recruiting additional representatives? (For example, what language or processes does your company recommend?)
* 12. On average, of the people you talk to about becoming sales representatives, what percentage actually sign up?
* 13. What do you think stops people from becoming sales representatives?
14. Overall, how would you rate the sales and compensation plan provided by your company?
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
15. Please rate the extent that you Agree or Disagree with the following statements about your company’s sales and compensation plan
Strongly Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* Current income/rewards for my effort meets or exceeds my expectations
* Potential future income/rewards for effort is high
* Adequate resources/training to understand the Plan
* My mentor supports me with the Plan
* Appropriate effort required to meet my goals
* Plan is flexible for what I want to get out of it
* Predictable/Reliable (Do the work, get the reward)
* Better in comparison with other ways to make money
16. Please rate the extent that you Agree or Disagree with the following statements about your company’s sales and compensation plan.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* Not enough income/rewards
* Too much effort for too little income/rewards
* Takes too long to achieve income/rewards
* Better alternative ways exist to make money
* My mentor pushes me too much
* My mentor is not available to support me
* Don’t understand the Plan
17. More specifically, how would you rate the following items?
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
* The income provided for the amount of time and effort you put into the business
* Seeing results from the Sales and Compensation Plan within the expected time frame
* The Sales and Compensation Plan is motivating to me
* The Sales and Compensation Plan is competitive compared to other ways to make money in the market
* The Sales and Compensation Plan is motivating to my team of sales reps
* The Sales and Compensation Plan is easy to explain to others
* I enjoy presenting the Sales and Compensation Plan to others; it is a positive experience
18. Please rate the extent that you Agree or Disagree with the following statements about your understanding of the Plan.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
* I understand the resources to use to increase my understanding of the Plan
* I understand how to maximize my personal rewards from the Plan
* I understand this year’s incentive programs
* 19. What resources are available to increase your understanding of the Plan?
* 20. How can you maximize your personal rewards from the plan?
* 21. What are this year’s incentive programs?
* 22. Please rank the top three rewards and incentives that provide you the most encouragement to grow your business. (1 provides the highest encouragement, while 3 is the least encouraging.)
Cash rewards
Free product
Accessories (i.e. jewelry, purses, or bags)
Training events
Health and wellness counselling
"Mary Kay” Car
If you chose "Other," kindly specify your answer.
* 23. How are changes to the Sales and Compensation Plan delivered to you? Select all that apply.
Company email
Meeting with mentor
In-person training session
Online training session
Brochure/materials delivered to your home

* 24. When you receive compensation payments from your company, how often do you know exactly why you received the amount paid?
* 25. Do you feel that you can accurately predict how much money you will receive?
* 26. What is your average retail margin?
* 27. How do you decide what price to charge for the products?
* 28. How do you typically earn bonus payments?
* 29. Generally, how much do you receive in bonus payments each quarter?
* 30. How does your company’s points system work?
* 31. What products give you the most points?
* 32. If your company gives you free product, for what reason do you typically receive it? (For those who don’t receive free product, please write ‘NA’.)
33. For you personally, how important is that you move up your company’s distributor “ladder”?
1 (low) 2 3 4 5 (high)
* 34. Do you feel that your company or mentor encourages you to move up the distributor ladder? Please select the statement that best fits your perspective.
Yes, the company highly encourages it.
Yes, my mentor highly encourages it.
No, neither the company nor my mentor push me to move up the ladder.
* 35. In what ways (programs or rewards) are you incented to move up the ladder?
* 36. How does your company help sales representatives who have fallen down the ladder? (For example, are there special programs or additional coaching made available?)
* 37. If you could improve your company’s Sales and Compensation plan, what would you change?
* 38. How do you feel about your company’s Sales & Compensation Plan stacks up against those of other direct sales companies?
* 39. Please describe a moment when you felt deeply appreciated by your company. (The description can talk about what led up to the recognition moment, how your company recognized you, why you felt so proud, and how it impacted your future actions.)
* 40. Please describe a moment when you felt deeply appreciated by your mentor. (The description can talk about what led up to the recognition moment, how your mentor recognized you, why you felt so proud, and how it impacted your future actions.)
* 41. Can you describe an example of how your company recognized another representative and how this example helped inspire you?
* 42. Can you describe an example of how your mentor recognized another representative and how this example helped inspire you?
* 43. What is the highest achievement level of a sales representative you personally know?
* 44. Do you think the above person(s) would be interested in speaking with us to share his/her experience?
Encouraging Reps to Continue or Re-up
* 45. How does your company encourage former representatives to sign up as distributors again?
* 46. Do you feel these programs are successful?
* 47. How do mentors encourage former representatives to sign up as distributors again?
Fuld TLC Panel on Direct Selling - Survey #2