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We would like your input on the Global Marketing Summit. Your feedback is important in the planning of future meetings so please take a few minutes to answer the following questions.
Please rate the Global Marketing Summit on the following criteria using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent
Meeting Location/Accommodations
Meeting Facilities
Start/End Times
Length of meeting
Overall content/topics covered
How well it met your expectations
Overall value to you
1st takeaway
2nd takeaway
3rd takeaway
The most valuable part of this meeting for me was:
The least valuable part of this meeting for me was:
Why was this part not valuable?
Please list any suggestions for improvement from this meeting.
What topics not covered in last week’s meeting would you like to see included at future meetings?
How often do you feel we should schedule the Global Marketing Summit Meetings? 
Once per year
Twice per year
Three times per year
Other, please specify:
Would you recommend scheduling future meetings after major congresses?
Yes. If yes, after which meetings?
Please provide any additional comments regarding this meeting and/or recommendations for future meetings.
Optional: Name, Region