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Business Units
Asia Regional
IB Zurich
Spektr Russia
Watsons China
Watsons HK
Watsons Korea
Watsons Malaysia
Watsons Philippines
Watsons Singapore
Watsons Thailand
Watsons Turkey
Watsons TW
Watsons Ukraine
Your Name
Please check the choices that best describes how you like the conference.
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A
1. Duration
2. Overall Logistics Arrangement
3. Store Visit Arrangement
4. Conference Content
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
a. Workshop 1: A Year in the Life of an OB Manager
b. Workshop 2: Staff Engagement
c. Workshop 3: Brand Management & In-store Merchandising
d. Workshop 4: Brand Profitability, Applying Customer Insights to Driving OB Performance
e. Workshop 5: Product Management
f. QA & CSR in Own Brand
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
5. Conference Format: Set the Context / Workshop / Team Presentation
6. Venue Setup
7. Award Presentation Dinner
8. Comments/Suggestions:
Thank you for your comments / suggestions for the GOBC.
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