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Grade Certs

Grade Certs
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How are elevations brought in?
level loop from ISA to hydrant tops or other permanent fixtures
level loop from ISA to corners of temporary buildings or shacks
RTK/RTN ties to ISA that check ok
RTK/RTN ties to ISA that look about right

What is the generally accepted best practice when it comes to grade certs?
double check first and last ties with conventional
start on one, close on another
start in the morning, finish before lunch
Do you need to not the distance from soil to siding?
Is gravel the same as soil?
Give a brief description of a time in which you would write 'Cut/Fill' on lathe, and who would use the data
Do you note if grades will flow down to the house?

Do you stick to the grading plan or adjust to what is on site? (select all applicable options)
Stick to the grading plan
Tie all points on the grading plan
Call your PM and check
Adjust to what is on site

What are some of the options to tie elevation to?
back of walk/curb
lot corners
extension of house corners to side boundaries
the driveway
the center of the road
the landscaping rock