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We need your input on the six nominees for the 2013 Haystack Award for Mission and Justice. Please refer to the nomination forms emailed to you previously, and answer the questions for each candidate as best you can. The questions are based on the criteria form that was also emailed to you. Then add your choice(s) for the award at the end.

Peter Wells
Justice & Witness Ministries
Massachusetts Conference, UCC
Is this person or organization affiliated with the MACUCC? This is a requirement.
Yes No Unsure
Joan Appleton
Chris Blake
Paul Clayton
Daniel Hall
Gina Lynch
Wally Hall
Is this a long-term ministry or a one-time event?
Long-term One-time Unclear
Joan Appleton
Chris Blake
Paul Clayton
Daniel Hall
Gina Lynch
Wally Hall
Could this ministry be considered social service(charity) or social action(justice)?
Social Service/Charity Social Action/Justice Both
Joan Appleton
Chris Blake
Paul Clayton
Daniel Hall
Gina Lynch
Wally Hall
If you answered Service/Charity, how well does the ministry address: (1) relief efforts, for example, disaster and famine or emergency aid; OR (2) long-term development such as skills training, business development or education? Please indicate how well each ministry addresses the above by using "1" to indicate "does not address", and "4" to indicate "exceptional work in these areas".
1 2 3 4
Joan Appleton
Chris Blake
Paul Clayton
Daniel Hall
Gina Lynch
Wally Hall
If you answered Social Action/Justice, how well does the ministry effect either (1) positive socio-political system change; or (2) relief of social injustice by addressing root causes of hunger, homelessness, poverty or social dysfunction? Please indicate how well each ministry in this category addresses these issues by using "1" to indicate "does not address" and "4" to indicate "exceptional work in these areas."
1 2 3 4
Joan Appleton
Chris Blake
Paul Clayton
Daniel Hall
Gina Lynch
Wally Hall
In your opinion, and based on the criteria above, which nominee(s) is/are most deserving of the Haystack Award?