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Helpline & Counselling Part 2

CCCS Client Satisfaction Survey
* 1. How long did you expect to be on the phone for when you made your first call?
* 2. Thinking about how easy it was for you to get through to a helpline advisor, do you think that….?
Considerable improvement is needed
Some improvement is needed
No improvement is needed
3. To what extent do you agree the helpline advisor…
Disagree strongly Disagree slightly Neither agree/ disagree Agree slightly Agree strongly
* Put you at ease?
* Made you feel comfortable in being able to ask questions?
* Was knowledgeable about the advice they gave you?
* Listened to you to gain a full understanding of your situation?
4. If you disagreed with any of the above, please explain why.
* 5. Were you asked to make another call back to the helpline to provide additional information?
* 6. What information did you need to call back with? Please tick more than one choice if appropriate.
Income details
Debt details
Household details
Other-please specify

* 7. How clear was the helpline advisor’s explanation of what information you would need to provide?
Not at all clear
Not very clear
Quite clear
Very clear
* 8. To what extent do you agree the email/letter we sent you was useful in helping you to prepare the information ahead of your call?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither agree nor disagree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
* 9. How clear was the explanation by the helpline advisor of why you needed a session with a counsellor?
Not at all clear
Not very clear
Quite clear
Very clear
* 10. How clear was the helpline advisor’s explanation of what would happen during your counselling session?
Not at all clear
Not very clear
Quite clear
Very clear
* 11. Did you...
have an immediate counselling session?
have a counselling session booked?
* 12. How satisfied were you with the length of time you had to wait for a session with a counsellor?
Very dissatisfied
Quite dissatisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Quite satisfied
Very satisfied
The following questions relate to the session you had with a counsellor, when you received debt advice and information on what to do next.

* 13. At your counselling session, to what extent do you agree the counsellor was already familiar with your situation?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither disagree or agree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
* 14. How clear was the counsellor’s explanation of what would happen during your counselling session?
Not at all clear
Not very clear
Quite clear
Very clear
* 15. To what extent do you agree the counsellor put you at ease?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither disagree or agree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
* 16. To what extent do you agree the counsellor considered your individual needs in making adequate allowance for your living costs?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither disagree or agree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
17. If you disagreed with the above, please explain why.
* 18. To what extent do you agree the counsellor helped you to identify how to reduce your outgoings and/or increase your income?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither disagree or agree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
* 19. To what extent do you agree the counsellor was knowledgeable about the advice they gave you?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither disagree or agree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
* 20. To what extent did you understand the debt advice the counsellor gave you?
Did not understand at all
Partly understood
Fully understood
* 21. How comfortable did the counsellor make you feel in being able to ask questions about the advice given?
Very uncomfortable
Quite uncomfortable
Quite comfortable
Very comfortable
* 22. Did the counsellor recommend a course of action for you to follow
* 23. To what extent do you agree that your counsellor gave you the best advice for your individual circumstances?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither agree/ disagree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
24. If you disagreed with the above, please explain why.
* 25. How clear was the counsellor’s explanation of the next steps you needed to take
Not at all clear
Not very clear
Quite clear
Very clear
* 26. Do you think your session with the counsellor was…?
Far too short
A little too short
Just right
A little too long
Far too long
* 27. How satisfied were you that the advice booklet we sent you reinforced the advice you were given over the telephone?
Very dissatisfied
Quite dissatisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Quite satisfied
Very satisfied
* 28. How clear was the explanation provided in the booklet about the next steps you had to take to help you with your debt situation?
Not at all clear
Not very clear
Quite clear
Very clear
* 29. Did you call us back?
* 30. How satisfied are you with the overall support you received from us after your counselling session
Very dissatisfied
Quite dissatisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Quite satisfied
Very satisfied
* 31. How many times have you called back since your counselling session?
Three times
Four times
Five times or more
* 32. What were the reasons for your call. Please select more than one choice if appropriate
I had a change in circumstances
To clarify advice already given
To discuss further creditor action taken
To discuss what to do with the Court papers I had received
Other-please explain

* 33. Did you have to phone back more than once to get a particular query resolved?
34. Please use the space below to provide any other comments regarding the service you received after your counselling session.
* 35. To what extent do you agree the budget has given you better control of your day to day outgoings?
Disagree strongly
Disagree slightly
Neither agree/ disagree
Agree slightly
Agree strongly
36. Please provide any ways you think we could have helped you to budget better.
* 37. Taking everything into account, how would you rate the overall service provided by us?
Very poor
Very good
* 38. How likely would you be to recommend our service to others in your situation?
Not at all likely
Not very likely
Quite likely
Very likely
39. Are there any other comments or suggestions you would like to make?
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