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The following survey is for sociolinguistic research, so please answer each question as honestly as possible based on what you would say in that situation. Thank you for your help!
Please enter your age and gender.
What is your hometown and how long did you live there?
What is your current city/state of residence, and how long have you lived there? Also, please list any other areas you lived for a significant amount of time.
Today is Thursday, and your boss asks you to come into work on Saturday. You have plans to go out of town for the weekend. Which of the following is most like your response?
"Ummm, yeah, let me see what I can do and I'll get back to you," and then actively avoid seeing or talking to him for the rest of the week.
"I can't work on Saturday, sorry."
"Saturday? Oh, sure, I can do that," and then cancel your plans and come to work.
Your friend sends you a text message inviting you to a party that evening that you don't want to go to, though you have no other plans for the evening. You:
Accept the invitation and go anyway.
Ignore the text and pretend like you didn't receive it.
Reply, "Sorry, I already have other plans."
Reply, "No thanks."
You are presenting your artwork at a gallery in two days' time, and you invite an acquaintance to come see your show. She says, "Oh, that sounds interesting, I'll have to check what I have going on that night." You:
Wait to hear back from her.
Assume she will come.
Assume she will not come.
Call or text her the next day to see if she has checked her schedule yet.
You are at a car lot, browsing the vehicles with no intention of buying a car that day. The salesman approaches you and begins strongly promoting a car that you had been admiring. You politely tell him you are just browsing, but he continues to try to sell you the car, and insists that you take a test drive. You:
Feel uncomfortable and perceive the salesman as very rude
Become angry with the salesman and tell him off
Test drive the car
Ignore him and leave the car lot
A friend asks to borrow your car while his is in the shop next week. He is well known as a poor driver. You say:
"No way, buddy."
"I might need my car those days, but let me get back to you."
"Ok, sure," and lend him the car.
You are leaving the grocery store when you are approached by a woman collecting for charity. You do not want to discuss the charity. You:
Ignore her and keep walking
Tell her you are in a hurry, but maybe another time
Say "No, thanks"
Discuss the charity
You run into a former co-worker at a coffee shop, and he suggests that you meet up for a drink sometime. You were not overly fond of this person when you worked together, and you do not want to foster a friendship with him. You say:
"Sure, that sounds good."
"Yeah, maybe sometime."
"No thanks."
"Sorry, I am just too busy."
Thank you!