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IDEA INCUBATION Rapid Learning - Improved Outcomes

IDEA INCUBATION for Rapid Learning and Improved Outcomes
Exit Survey
THRU invites you to be a part of something BIG.

Please join with us in a rapid-cycle process to ‘incubate’ ideas for a systematic, systemwide approach to best practice identification and spread – to improve organizational learning and outcomes.

The AIM: Create a world class approach to rapidly identify, share, and implement internal and external best practices to increase quality and reliability systemwide.

The below idea capture is intended to be very quick, and the timeframe is very short (ending on 10/9).
Only the first question is required; the other four would be very appreciated.

The effort will benefit by receiving input from diverse perspectives, so feel free to share the URL with others at THR. I appreciate each of you and your commitment to THR, our patients, and the communities we serve.

Cynthia St. John, Vice President & Chief Learning Officer
The AIM: Create a world class approach to rapidly identify, share, and implement internal and external best practices to increase quality and reliability systemwide.
What ideas/actions do you have to address the above Aim?
Are there existing structures (people/groups), tools, etc., that might help align or integrate this into how we naturally do our work?
Are there any barriers that would need to be addressed in order to make this work?:
If selected as a part of our systematic approach, how rapidly do you believe this could be implemented?
1 Week
1 Month
A few Months
1 Year or more
May we contact you with any clarifying questions? If so, please enter your name and number in the box after selecting YES.
IDEA INCUBATION for Rapid Learning and Improved Outcomes---THRU invites you to be a part of something BIG.