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Impact of Online Advertising on consumer behaviour

Effective marketing strategies in online advertising and their impact on consumer
Exit Survey
Hello! I am Tsveta Boycheva and I am working on my MBA dissertation in Cardiff University. The topic of the project is "Effective marketing strategies in online advertising and their impact on consumer". As part of my work I aim to reveal the different attitudes and points of view provoked by the constantly increasing influence of online commercial. It will take approximately 3-4 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey, you may contact me by email at [email protected].
Thank you very much for your time and assistance! You can start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Здравейте! Казвам се Цвета Бойчева и в момента работя върху дисертацията ми по MBA магистратурата, която посещавам към университета в Cardiff. Темата на проекта е: " Успешни маркетинг стратегии в онлайн рекламата и тяхното влияние върху потребителя". Като част от проекта имам за цел да разкрия различните нагласи и гледни точки към онлайн рекламата, която е все по въздействаща в последно време. Отнема не повече от 3-4 минути да попълните въпросника.
Вашето участие в това проучване е абсолютно доброволно. Вашите отговори са строго конфиденциални и данните от се измерват само в общи стойности. Вашите отговори ще бъдат кодирани и ще останат поверителни. Ако имате някакви въпроси по-всяко време може да ми пишете на [email protected].
Благодаря ви за отделеното време и съдействието! Може да започнете с въпросника, като кликнете на бутона Continue.
How often do you shop or purchase goods and services online?
On a daily basis
2-3 times per week
Several times monthly
Several times per year
I don’t shop online
Where do you prefer to go shopping? (Select all that apply)
Local small shops in the neighborhood
Small supermarket chains
Specialized stores as bakery, butchers etc.
Hypermarkets as Billa, Kaufland, Lidl, Piccadilly, Metro etc.
I shop only online

How do you find out about the promotions and new products launched? (Select all that apply)
TV and radio advertisements
Newspapers ads
Online banners
Personal e-mail notifications
I check regularly for new promotions on my own, directly in the store

What is leading for you during the buying/purchase process? (Select all that apply)
The place, where trustworthy and more preferred brands are sold
Wider range of products
Personal service
Fast and safe delivery
High-quality products
The brand of the product
Location and working time of the preferred place
The possibility to try/taste the product on the spot

How often are you influenced in taking decision to buy/purchase goods or service by information provided to you online?
Regularly, I can trust on information, published online
Sometimes, I prefer to check all T&C of the deal in the first place
Never, I can be easily mislead by invalid information
In your opinion to which extent advertisements reach their goal?
Ads have great impact on consumer’s decision for purchase
Advertising influence my curiosity and make me check more information about the offered products
Advertisements aren’t key factor during the purchase process to me
Lately, most commercials are boring and annoying
I can be influenced by advertising, only if it is funny and catchy
I can be influenced by advertising, only if it responds to my interest and needs
Which of the following types of advertising are you familiar with? (Select all that apply)
Yes No I don't know
Text advertising (advertising, whose content is similar to article)
Advertising with competitive purpose (online competitions and challenges with prizes)
Multimedia advertising ( videoclips, animations)
Obsessive/persistent advertising ( pop –up messages, “pause”advertising e.g. Youtube)
Background advertising (appear behind the content of the website as background)
Image advertising (it is aimed for the regular visitors of certain website)
Personalized advertising (advertising via e-mail, per post)
Banner ads
Pay per click ads
Viral marketing (message is distributed via e-mail to a large group of people with a rapid speed)
Guerilla marketing (advertising with immediate surprising effect)
Do you think that online advertising should adjust to the cultural differences in the different countries?
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Are online ads in your opinion more impressive than TV commercials?
Completely disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Completely agree
In the advertising process are distinguished several effects on consumer’s mind. Please rate to which extent the effect corresponds то you based on your personal experience.
Extremely Very Moderately Slightly Not at all
Rational response to advertising
Listing of all functional aspects of the product
Evaluation of the benefits
Repeating of messages
Thinking of the product while shopping and taking decision to buy it
Stage of alienation
Stage of loyalty
Have you ever been attracted by the content of banners and do you click on them?
I have done this only accidentally
Are you keen on publishing own advertising online?
I have already done it
What kind of advertising do you think has the strongest impact on consumer?
Google Ads
Advertising in social media as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.
Advertisements that you receive via e-mail
Videoclips in Youtube and Facebook that aim to show some message or slogan
AdMob (advertisements that appear within mobile apps)
Video advertisements, that appear on the display next to articles
Banner ads
Background advertising
Blogging advertising
What is your gender?
What is your age? 
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 or older
Prefer not to answer
What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
High school degree or equivalent
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Professional degree
Doctorate degree
What is your marital status?
Domestic partnership
Don’t know
What is your net income?
3000 and higher
I don’t want to answer
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