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In which surgical specialty do you usually work? (you can choose more than 1)
General surgery
Plastic surgery
Orthopaedic surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgery

How many years experience as a perioperative nurse do you have?
Less than 1
1 - 5
6 - 10
More than 10
Are you familiar with the Mount Hospital instrument count policy?
When counting instruments sets do you ... (choose the answer which most closely describes your usual practice)
Check the contents of the instrument trays against the enclosed list prior to commencement but not on completion of surgery
Perform an initial and final count of all instruments only for surgery where a body cavity is entered
Count only selected items and record them on the count sheet (e.g artery forceps, screws and towel clips)
Usually do not check the contents of instrument trays against the enclosed list
Perform an initial and final count of all instruments using the tray list for all cases
How do you usually perform the count of your instrument trays?
Do not usually count instrument sets
The circulating nurse calls the instruments off the tray list and the scrub nurse quickly checks the contents of the tray
The scrub nurse quickly checks the contents of the instrument trays and informs the circulating nurse that they match the printed list
When adding singly packaged instruments to the sterile field do you usually...
Record them in additional spaces on the count sheet
Record them on the tray list with similar instruments (e.g. artery forceps, towel clips)
Usually do not record them
If you do not normally add separately packaged instruments to your count is it because...
There is not enough room on the count sheet
I am confused about where to document them when there are already like instruments on the tray lists
I don't think it is likely that the instrument will get lost
I don't have time
How important do you feel it is to count all the instruments in your sets before and after surgery?
Very important
Moderately important
Not important
What are some of the problems you encounter when trying to count your instrument sets? (you can choose more than one response)
The order that instruments are packed on the trays does not match the order printed on the tray list
The contents of the instrument tray does not match the printed tray list
Don't have time, rushing to complete other tasks in theatre
The scrub and/or circulating is unfamiliar with the instruments on the tray
Lack of cooperation from other staff members
Other (please specify)

Do you think counting all your instruments is equally important for all cases?