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You are invited to participate in our survey, Internet socialization. In this survey, approximately 100 people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about your internet behavior. It will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Angela Mishler or Dominica Nielsen at [email protected] or [email protected]

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How old are you?
30 or older
What sex are you?

How comfortable do you feel using the Internet?
Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
Somewhat uncomfortable
Very uncomfortable
* How often do you use the internet?
Once a month
Once a week
More than once a day
* When you use the internet, about how long do you spend online?
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
3-5 hours
Over 5 hours
* What do you spend the most time on while online?
Educational websites
Chat rooms
Online Games

How uncomfortable does navigating a new site make you?
Not at all
Not much
Neither uncomfortable or comfortable
Very much
Do you enjoy socializing with people you have never met in person?
Very much
Not very much
Not at all
How likely are you to get involved with conversations in chat rooms, forums, or comment sections?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely or unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
When there is an argument or heated debate in a forum or chat room it is usually about...
Gun rights
My Little Pony
Topic of the thread
When a heated debate or argument gets started on a forum or chat room you...
All the time Some of the time Once or twice Not often Never
* Leave the chat room
* Do nothing, sit back and enjoy the show
* Do nothing, let them handle it themselves
* Do nothing, you don't like getting involved
* Try to mediate
* Start a counter argument
* Get involved as a devil's advocate
* Started them
Does the internet seem to interfere with your social life?
Yes, I never get away
Only a little, I can leave if I have to
No, I am hardly online
No, I am never online more than I have to be
Some websites ask for you to register with the site by providing personal information. What percent of the time do you enter false information when asked to register?
Rather not say
I've never falsified information
Under 25% of the time
26 - 50% of the time
51 - 75% of the time
Over 75% of the time
I've never registered with a site
When you play and online game or join a forum, how much about yourself do you generally share?
Everything, I'm an open book
A fair amount if I know the other people well
A little here or there
Not very much, I'm pretty private
Nothing at all
Have you ever been involved in an online debate or argument which devolved into name calling, profanity, or threats?
All the time
Some of the time
Once or twice
Which of these groups have you become more connected to through the Internet? (Please check all that apply.)
People who share my political interests
People who share my hobbies/recreational activities
People who share my religion
People in my profession
People in my family
People in similar life situations (e.g. self-help groups, support groups)
Other groups

Complete the following sentence in the way that comes closest to your own views: "Since getting on the Internet, I have "
become MORE connected with people like me.
become LESS connected with people like me.
Don't know/can't say