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We hope the iPad session today was useful.

Its purpose was to show some of the potential these devices can have in the classroom, and to perhaps have one or two people get really excited about what they have to offer.

The next step is to find out what you think about what you've seen and how it can fit into your lessons.

Please answer the following questions - your opinion will help form an overall picture.
* Did you find today's session useful?
* What were the best points of your session?
* Have you used an iPad before today?
* Do you own or have regular access to an iPad?
* Would you ever consider using this iPad in your classroom during a lesson?
Yes, I have done so already
Yes, but I haven't done so yet
* Why wouldn't you use your iPad in a lesson
* Are you now considering buying an iPad
* Thinking about your session, did it help to show you the possibilities of using such devices in lessons?
* If there was a set of iPads in school, how likely would you be to use them?
Absolutely, give them to me now
Most likely, I just need to tweak my lesson plan
Probably, just give me some time to think about it
I doubt it, I'd have to change too much
No, they're not really for me or my subject
* Are you a Subject Leader
* As a Subject Leader, do you think you could benefit from having your own school iPad in order to assess the use in your subject.
* Do you think all staff should be issued with an iPad
Yes, instead of a laptop
Yes, as well as a laptop
No, not yet
No, not at all
* What is the primary subject area that you could see yourself using iPads in lessons?