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Renewals query
How do I renew a book?
Where do I renew a book?
How often can I renew a book?
Why can't I renew my book?
Printing query
How do I print?
Where are the printers?
How much does printing cost?
How do I add print credit?
Can I send a document to print from any computer?
My document won't print?
There's no paper in the printers?
My print credit is wrong.
Can I scan in the Library?
Self-issue query
Where are the self-issue machines?
How do I use the self-issue machines?
Why is it saying "redo"?
Why can't I issue my book? (Blocked/Holds/Expired card/Book not discharged)
Why can't I renew my book at the self-issue machine? (Blocked/Holds/Expired card)
Returns query
Where do I return a book?
Do I have to scan a book before returning it?
I returned a book but it is still on my account? (Claimed return)
Short Loan query
How long can I borrow a short loan book?
Where do I return short loan books?
What are the fines on short loan books?
Is [title] in Short Loan?
BUCS query
Where is the computing help desk?
I have a computing query.
Book query
I can't find a book.
Where do I find books on my subject?
Where do I find books with this shelf-mark?
How do I ask for a book to be added to Library stock?
I would like to donate a book.
I've lost a library book.
I accidentally left my own book in the Library.
ILL/Bath Copies query
How do I place an ILL request?
Where do I collect an ILL?
Why can't I take my ILL out of the Library?
How much does an ILL cost?
What is the Bath Copies service?
How do I request a Bath Copy?
How much does a Bath Copy cost?
Hold query
How do I put a book on hold?
Why can't I place a book on hold?
Where do I collect my hold?
How long do you keep books on hold for?
How long will it take for my hold to be available?
How do I know when my hold is available?
PIN query
What is my PIN?
My PIN isn't working.
How do I change my PIN?
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