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* 新增HelpDesk Ticket的首個回應速度如何?

How do you feel the first response after created this Ticket?
超慢 (Very Slow)
慢 (Slow)
一般 (Neutral)
快 (Fast)
超快 (Very Fast)
* ITSA HelpDesk能否在預定時間內解決你的個案?
ITSA HelpDesk able to solve your problem in the expected period?
必需改善 (Must be improved)
有待改進 (Room for improvement )
預期之內 (Within Expectations)
超乎預期 (Excess Expectation)
迅速解決 (Excellent)
* ITSA HelpDesk 能幫助你解決個案嗎?
Do you agree that ITSA HelpDesk can solve your Problem?
非常不同意 (Absolutely Disagree)
不同意 (Disagree)
可以 (Satisfy)
同意 (Agree)
非常同意 (Absolutely Agree)
Please rate the following:
ITSA HelpDesk 的溝通方法能令你滿意嗎?
The communication skill can satisfy?
Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied
* 整體上你對ITSA 新的HelpDesk Support服務滿意度如何?
Overall New ITSA HelpDesk Support Serivce Satisfy your needs?
非常差 (Very Poor)
不滿意 (Poor)
一般 (Neutral)
滿意 (Good)
非常滿意 (Excellent)
ITSA HelpDesk還有其他可以改善意見? What else do you think if ITSA HelpDesk can improve and suggestion?
ITSA - Technical Support Department of Hong Kong
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