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Koodam Evaluation Survey – Working Partners

Koodam Evaluation Survey

Working Partners
Exit Survey
The purpose of this questionnaire is to help Koodam better address the Auroville community’s conflict resolution needs and create documentation that will help secure funding for Koodam’s services in Auroville. Your participation in this questionnaire is voluntary. Your responses will be strictly confidential and anonymous. The results of this study will be used for Koodam’s purposes only, and all names—if you mention any party during this survey—will be changed within the data to protect all involved. Submitting the questionnaire implies you understand and agree to these terms and conditions.

If you have any questions about the research study, please contact Elvira or Niva at the Koodam office in Unity Pavilion.
* On what did you cooperate with Koodam?
Arbitration process support
Policy creation
Support in dealing with conflict situations
* In the situation mentioned above, what role did you play?
Working Committee member
Auroville Council member
Helped with drafting the new conflict resolution policy
What is your understanding of Koodam’s role in the Auroville community?
What was your experience with Koodam’s support and processes?
Please rate your experiences with and opinions of Koodam, if applicable.
Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
* The process was efficient and helpful.
* The process was confidential.
* Koodam’s team was neutral and impartial towards the conflict and all parties involved.
* My role as an Auroville Council/Working Group member has been made easier through the support and services of Koodam.
* Koodam provided me with adequate support as an arbiter.
* Koodam’s services support Auroville on a personal level.
* Koodam’s services supports Auroville on a community level.
* I would recommend Koodam’s services to a friend if he/she were having a conflict.
Did you learn anything about conflict resolution during your experience with Koodam? Please explain your answer.
Why do you or why do you not feel Koodam’s services supports Auroville on a community level?
What would you improve about your experience with Koodam and its services?
Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience with Koodam?