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La Mangerie Survey

La Mangerie Survey 
Exit Survey
To continuously improve our service and products in La Mangerie we have formulated the Guest Survey below in order to gain insight on our customer satisfaction and identify and understand areas of potential improvement. We value your candid feedback and appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey. 

It will take approximately 3 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
What is your gender?
What is your age?
How visible was the theme this week in La Mangerie?
Not at all visible
Slightly visible
Moderately visible
Very visible
Completely visible
How well did the menu items match the theme this week?
Not at all
Very well
What is, in general, your opinion on the variety of dishes served in La Mangerie? 
No variety
Slightly varied
Sufficiently varied
Very varied
How long was the waiting time in the Mangerie until you received the dish?
Less than a minute
1-2 minutes
2-4 minutes
4-5 minutes
More than 5 minutes
How long was the waiting time at the cashier until you paid for your dish?
Less than a minute
1-2 minutes
2-4 minutes
4-5 minutes
More than 5 minutes
What is, in general, your opinion on the pricing of the dishes in La Mangerie? 
Too expensive
You pay for what you get
Too cheap
I don't care