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* When was your most recent learning experience?
Within the last 30 days
Within the last six months
Within the last year
* Which of the following media were used predominantly in your most recent learning experience?
Self-directed (resources provided for you to learn on your own with little structure)
On-the-job or peer training
Formal classroom
Computer, Web based training, Videos
A combination of the above (please describe)

* Which of the following best describes what motivated you to engage in your last learning experience?
Personal growth and development
Career development
Job requirement (ex. required certification or continuing education)
* Please rank (1-4, with 1 being the highest preference) each method below if you needed to learn new theories or concepts applicable to your work:
Formal Classroom
Self-directed (reading books, periodicals, internet searches, etc.)
Computer, Web based training, Videos
On-the-job or peer training
* Rate (1-4, with 1 being your highest preference) each method below if you needed to learn process steps required to perform a complex task.
Self-directed (reading a document or manual)
Computer, Web based training, Videos
On-the-job or peer training
Formal Classroom
* Please rank (1-4, with 1 being the highest preference) each method below if you needed to learn how to use a new software application.
Formal classroom
Computer, Web based training, Videos(includes tutorials)
On-the-job or peer training
Self-directed (exploring and using the system with no outside guidance other than online help)
* Please rank (1-4, with 1 being the highest preference) each method below if you wanted to acquire or enhance interpersonal skills.
Formal Classroom
Computer, Web based training, Videos
On-the-job or peer training
Self-directed (reading, practicing on your own)
Please indicate your position (if any) at the time you engaged in your most recent learning activity:
Hourly individual contributor
How often do you anticipate participating in a learning activity or event this year?
At least once this year
At least twice this year
Once per quarter
Probably won't
What factors influence your decisions about what learning methods you prefer? (subject matter, cost, time to complete, location/timing, credibility of facilitator/sponsor, recommendations from others, etc.)
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