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How satisfied are you with the following:
List 3 major achievements for your business, till date.
What are biggest challenges you currently face in your business, right now?
To answer the following questions, think how your business and personal life impact on each other...

I know how to diffuse my stress when it shows up (be it at work or personal life)
When it comes to ‘switching of’ my mind, I would say
I am able to switch off at will
I am able to switch off sometimes but not always
I struggle to switch off for days
I hardly ever switch off
When it comes to bringing my mind into focus and being productive, I
I am positively focused most of the time
I am focused only until something sets me off
I struggle to focus
I spend hours on a task without making much progress
When unexpected negative events occur (in business or personal life), I am able to pick myself and get back in the game.
Most of the time
Sometimes I struggle
I take a long time to pick up myself
When self-doubt shows up in my mind,
I know and do manage it positively
I struggle with it
Life Review for Emotional Mastery with SHFT Inside