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On average how many books do you purchase each semester? (please select one)
2 or less
3-4 books
5-6 books
7 or more
How often do you review for exams using a textbook? (please select one)
Rarely Often Frequently Very Frequently
How often do you review for exams using material the teacher distributes? (test reviews, online PowerPoints slides based of class lecture, etc…) (please select one)
Rarely Often Frequently Very Frequently
Please indicate how many times per year you purchase the following items:
Textbooks (hard copy)
Textbooks (hard copy rental)
Digital Textbooks
Digital Textbooks (rental)
How do you currently get your text books? (choose all that apply)
Purchase hard copy
Rent hard copy
Purchase e-textbook
Rent e-textbook
How comfortable are you with reading on a digital screen? (please choose one)
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
How satisfied are you with the current options available for textbook rentals?
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
How familiar are you with, Amazon Prime, and Amazon Student? (please check one box for each)
Very Unfamiliar Unfamiliar Familiar Very Familiar
Amazon Prime
Amazon Student
Have you ever purchased or rented a book using Amazon?
If Amazon Student were available today, when would you be most likely to buy it? (please select one)
Within the next month
Between 1 and 3 months from now
Between 4 and 6 months from now
Between 7 months and a year from now
I am not interested
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