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* Which of the following statements is false?

Our expectations of what a wine will smell or taste like can change the way our brain interprets the wine
The order in which wines are tasted makes little difference to how we perceive them
Context can change the sensations we experience with wine
Different shapes of glass stemware generally do not affect the taste of the wine
* Wines high in _____ can fatigue the palate and make successive wines taste sweeter.
* When tasting multiple wines, always begin with the ___ and end with the ____.

Sweetest; driest
Sweetest; most tannic
Lightest; sweetest
Driest; least bitter
* According to How to Taste, heat:
Increases sensitivity to tannin and acidity
Decreases sensitivity to tannin and acidity
Increases sensitivity to bitterness
Decreases sensitivity to sweetness
* When a wine is served very cold, it will become:

More aromatic
Sickly sweet
Very salty
* Our senses are most alert for wine assessment:

In the late afternoon
Right after dinner in the evening
In the mid to late morning
As soon as you wake up in the morning
* Which of the following statements is most correct?
Someone else telling us that a wine tastes a certain way will not affect our perception of it
Our expectations of a wine can affect the way we perceive it
Different shapes of stemware should always be used for different types of wine
Water is the worst substance that can be used to cleanse the palate between tastings
* Approximately how long should you wait between sips to prevent your palate becoming fatigued and inadvertently altering the taste of subsequent wines/sips?
40 seconds
20 minutes
An hour
5 minutes
* Which of the following is recommended for inspecting and appreciating a wine’s clarity, colour and intensity?
A glass of water
A white surface
A narrow wine glass
* Which of the following statements is false?
The best quality wines are always the most expensive
Price is not a reliable indicator of quality of wine
Studies have demonstrated that being told that a particular wine is better than another will affect perception and rating of that wine
People will often say that the most expensive wine is their favourite, even if it is identical to the cheapest wine
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