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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Data-entry by:
* Survey Enumerator
* Supervisor
* Date of Enumeration
* Village name
* Clan name
Start Time:
End Time:
* House identification:
* 1. Is the respondent the head of household?
* 2. Is the head of household male or female?
* 3. What is your household tenant status in this house?
Own house
Rented/leased privately
Rented/leased from NHC
Rent free
Other (specify)
4. How many people live in this household?
* Females less than 14 years old
* Females between 14 years and 60 years old
* Females over 60 years old
* Males less than 14 years old
* Males between 14 years and 60 years old
* Males over 60 years old
* 5. Of the total number of people in the household, how many people originate from provinces other than central province?
* 6. What type of house is this?
Traditional material
Permanent material
Combination of both
* 7. How do you access drinking water for this household?
Piped/Tanked into household
Piped/Tanked into CU
Rainwater ⇒ go to Q10
Well with pump ⇒ go to Q10
Well with no pump ⇒ go to Q10
Natural water source ⇒ go to Q10
Mobile tank on boat or truck ⇒ go to Q10
Other (specify)
* 8. Does the household pay for the water?
No ⇒ go to Q10
Don't know ⇒ go to Q10
* 9. How much does the household pay for the water, on average, each month?
* 10. What kind of toilet facility does your household have?
Flush toilet
Modern pit latrine
Traditional pit latrine
Over the sea/lake/river
Other (specify)
11. Does your household have any of the following durable goods?
(Select all that apply)?
A. Television
B. Radio
C. Stove
D. Telephone (fixed)
E. Mobile phone
F. Vehicle/Car
G. Generator
H. Air Condition
I. Sewing machine
Other (specify)

* 12. Where did your household get most of its food in the past 7 days?
Household garden, hunting, fishing
Trade stores
Other (specify)
* 13. What is the main source of fuel used by the household for cooking?
Solar power
Diesel generator
Other (specify)
* 14. What is the main source used by the household for lighting?
Hydro electricity
Solar power
Diesel generator
Kerosene lantern
Pressure lamp
Battery lamp
Other (specify)
15. What were the three main sources of cash payments or income for your household over the past 12 months?
* i. Wages/salary (permanent employment)
* ii. Wages from casual or seasonal worker
* iii. Compensation payment
* iv. Royalty payment
* v. Remittances from relatives
* vi. Selling local produce at trade, market or roadside store
* vii. Selling imported produce at trade, market or roadside store
* viii. Cash crop
* ix. Small scale mining
* x. Logging, firewood, sawmilling
* xi. Own business
* xii. Other
* 16. How much kina does this household receive on average over a fortnight, from all sources?
Less than K100
Between K100 - K500
Between K501 - K1,000
More than K1,000
Don’t know
* 17. How much kina does your household spend on average each fortnight?
Less than K100
Between K100 - K500
Between K501 - K1,000
More than K1,000
Don’t know
18. What were the main areas of your household expenditure over the past 12 months?

* i. Rent
* ii. Food
* iii. Compensation
* iv. Medical costs
* v. Education/school fees, uniforms
* vi. Water
* vii. Transport
* viii. Electricity
* ix. Loan/debt repayment
* x. Customary obligations
* xi. Other household expenses
* xii. Alcohol or tobacco
* xiii. Clothing, shoes
* xiv. Other
19. List the types of skills that members of the household have at the current moment?
# females # males
* Fishing
* Trade (carpentry, welding, bricklaying, electrics, mechanic, heavy machinery...)
* Administration (management, computing, clerk, sales jobs)
* Facilitation (church worker, community worker, politics)
* Business (trade stores, vehicles, agriculture...)
* Other (refer hardcopy)
* 20. What is the highest qualification in the household?
Post graduate – Masters, Phd
Graduate - degree
Grade 12
Grade 10
Grade 8
Lower than Grade 8
* 21. What is the main health service facility used by the members of your household?
Gov’t Health Facility
Church Health Facility
Private Health Facility
Aid Post
Traditional healer
Other (specify)
* 22. Where is the main health service facility used by the household?
* 23. How long does it take to get to the main health service facility used by the household?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 60 minutes
Between 1 and 2 hours
Over 2 hours
24. What is the main education service facility used by the members of your household?
# females # males
* Gov’t Education Facility
* Church Education Facility
* Private Education Facility
* University
* Technical college
* Other (refer hardcopy)
* 25. How long does it take to get to the main education service facility used by the household?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 60 minutes
Between 1 and 2 hours
Over 2 hours
* 26. Do you or anyone in the household have a bank account?
No ⇒go to Q29
Don’t know ⇒go to Q29
* 27. Has this person used the bank account in the last three months to deposit or withdraw money?
Don't know
* 28. Does this household have a savings or investment fund or plan?
Don't know
29. Are your household members part of any Community Organisation? (eg Sports group or church group or business group?
Name of group Purpose of group
30. Which of these priority community services does your household benefit from the most?

* i. School
* ii. Health
* iii. Bank/microfinance
* iv. Market and retail stores
* v. Post office/ telecommunication
* vi. Law and justice service
* vii. Housing
* viii. Electricity
* ix. Education
* x. Roads and bridges
* xi. Boat/dingy/PMV services
* xii. Water and sewage supply
* xiii. None
* 31. Does any one in this household go fishing?
No ⇒go to 42a
* 32. Where do you go fishing? Please describe (eg walk to nearby place, take a boat to a particular location ....)
* 33. On average how much do you catch in one week?
1 to 5 fish
6 to 10 fish
11 to 20 fish
20 to 30 fish
31 or more fish
* 34. Compared to this time last year are you catching more fish or less fish?
35. State the reasons why your catching more fish or less fish?
36. What types of fish do you catch?
37. State the portion (percentage) of the catch consumed by the household.
100% ⇒go to Q42
51% to 99% (majority)
50% (half)
1% to 49% (partial)
0% (none)
38. State the portion (percentage) of the catch sold for cash:
100% (all)
51% to 99% (majority)
50% (half)
1% to 49% (partial)
39. How much do you earn from these sales of fish?
40. Where do you sell your fish?
41a. How long does it take you to get to your market place?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 60 minutes
Between 1 and 2 hours
Over 2 hours
41b. What mode of transport do you use to reach the market place?
Others vehicle
Own vehicle
42a. Does this household consume other sea products (including mangrove, shellfish, sea cucumber, crab, urchins, oysters and marine plants....) taken from this area?
No ⇒go to Q43a
42b. What types sea products are consumed and how much in one week?
Product Amount in one week Collected from Use of the product
43a. Do you sell any of the products listed in question 42?
No ⇒go to Q44.
43b. How much do you sell and earn from these sales?
Product Number sold each week Amount earned
44. Compared to this time last year are you harvesting more or less of these products?
45. State your reasons why harvesting more or less of these products?