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Michael, here from MSM.

Here's a few questions to help know yourself better.
Good news! There's no right or wrong answer.
If you answer honestly, you'll find out more about what you like to do, and why. Which, I think, is pretty cool.
If you're not sure about your choice, ask a close friend to help.
Click the Continue button, and we'll get started.
* Can I share this email address with other 7th grade guys in our MSM family?
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* First Name
Last Name
* If I lived in the Medieval Ages, I would have been the...
Comedy Court Jester
Knight of Action
King's Advisor
Ambassador of Peace
* On a trip to Mars I would first...
Get a signed medical waiver, and compete in the always dangerous "zero G" sports arena
Map a list of locations and ideal times to visit
Talk to a few people and find out their fun hangout spots
Sit atop a hill and watch the Earth rise
* On a rainy weekend, I'd want to...
Make up my own game, sketch, play an instrument (I won't be bored)
Chat with a few friends
Have some hot co-co and just lounge by a fireplace or window
Call on my team and go challenge the enemy online
* I quickly memorize...
songs or commercials after hearing them a few times
any videos, photos, or faces
notes I take, poetry, or key sections in books I like
objects I hold on to or their textures
* What's either a serious or funny question you would like to see on a future MSM 7th grade survey?
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