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What is your age range
40 & Over
Prefer not to answer
When you were YOUNGER, what brands were you most interested in?
Urban Wear (Rocawear, FuBu, Baby Phat)
Finer Brands (Gap, Banana Republic, J. Crew)
Expensive Brands (Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton)
Economically Friendly Brands (Old Navy, Forever 21, Payless)
I did not care about brands.
When you were YOUNGER, what influenced your style?
The media (admiring styles you saw in magazines, television, etc)
Nothing influenced my style
NOW, what brands are you most interested in? (You can pick more than one if you need to)
Urban Wear (Rocawear, FuBu, Baby Phat)
Finer Brands (Gap, Banana Republic, J. Crew)
Expensive Brands (Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton)
Economically Friendly Brands (Old Navy, Forever 21, Payless)
I do not care about brands.

How likely are you purchase the following items from their respective retailer? (Do not factor your affordability)
Definitely wouldn't purchase Probably would not purchase I don't care Probably would purchase Definitely would purchase
A pair of sneakers from Payless
Ralph Lauren Sheets from Macys
A plain white t-shirt from Gucci
Glasses from Fendi
Pants from Sears
Tommy Hilfiger from Marshalls
How important were each of the following attributes in your decision to purchase our product/service?
Not important Not THAT important Neutral Somewhat important Very important
Quality of products/services
Store location
Popularity of the brand name
How do you feel about parents who buy their children expensive clothing? (Please pick the answer closest to your personal opinion)
If they can afford it, why not?
It is pointless. Why would you buy expensive clothing they will eventually grow out of?
It is nice to buy your child nice things every ONCE IN A WHILE
Children should learn the value of money, so parents should not buy their children expensive clothing
I don't care
Would YOU buy expensive brands for your children? (If you have children, DO YOU buy expensive brands for your children now?)
Yes, all the time
Yes, but some times when I feel that they deserve it/need it
Probably not
Please indicate your gender.
Prefer not to answer
Do you think parents influence a person's perception (how they value, rate of quality) of name brand items?
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