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Exit Survey
Thank you for participating in this survey. We are hoping to learn more about what is important to residents and what ideas you have for your neighborhoods. By completing the survey, you will be helping TNP create better strategies for neighborhood revitalization and providing meaningful input into the planning process.

Your participation is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

In which neighborhood(s) do you live and or own property? (Check all that apply)
Historic Perkins
Central Warren
North End
Palmyra Heights
I do not live or own property in Warren/I do not know

What do you like most about your neighborhood? (Pick up to 3)
The people
The houses
The streets
The places to shop
The social services
The neighborhood group(s)
The parks

What is the greatest asset in your neighborhood?
Which things in your neighborhood could be better? (Pick up to 3)
The people
The houses
The streets
The places to shop
The social services
The neighborhood group(s)
The parks

What is your biggest concern in your neighborhood?
If you could choose which houses to demolish, what would be your top priorities? Please rank your top 3
Houses on major thoroughfares
Houses in areas with a lot of blighte property
Houses in areas with little to no blighted property
Houses near schools
Houses near other community assets such as libraries, churches, community gardens, and community centers
Houses recommended by city council members or other elected officials
Houses that have been the subject of multiple calls to police
Houses that have been damaged by fire
What would you like to see done with vacant land in your neighborhood? (Check all that apply)
Side yards for homeowners
Vegetable gardens
Pocket parks
Playgrounds (or other recreational uses)
Wildflower/native plant gardens
Flower gardens
Rain gardens

Do you have an idea for a project in your neighborhood? If yes, please give a brief description below:
Which best describes your age?
Under 18
Over 70