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Please drag and rank the following in order of interest.

If you are unsure of what things are, have a look below:
Sandbox - Building, with addons, wire, mods, stuff.
DarkRP (with custom content) - stuff from CoderHire, some original stuff, lots of jobs.
HL2RP (Nutscript) -
HL2RP (Clockwork) -
DarkRP (Zombies) - Zombies in DarkRP with jobs relating to ZombieRP
Deathrun -
Post Nuke RP -
Cinema -
Prop Hunt -
Murdered -
Underdone -
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Other Gamemode Suggestion
    Do you like Garry's Mod Sandbox?
    I'd never play on a Sandbox Server.
    Not really. :(
    I've had good and bad experiences.
    I like it.
    It's all I ever go on!
    Do you like Garry's Mod Roleplay?
    I'd never play on a Roleplay Server.
    Not Really. :(
    I've had good and bad experiences.
    I like it.
    It's all I ever go on!
    Please rate the following:
    Semi-Serious RP
    Serious RP
    Other Gamemodes
    Please rate the following in regards to roleplay jobs/factions:
    Rank up to get access to a faction whitelist
    Apply via forums to join a faction whitelist
    Apply in game to join a faction whitelist
    Instantly join (F4 menu) to join a faction
    Please drag and rank the following in order of interest:
    Drag your choices here to rank them
      Are you able to donate?
      Not yet... But I can.
      If you donate, what benefits would you expect in return?
      What do you think of a monthly donation over $10 to have VIP Status, VIP Benefits and weekly surplus of in-game currency as a monthly donator?
      I'd do it.
      I wouldn't do it.
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