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New Home Owner Survey

Riverwood Homes
New Homeowner Survey
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Name, email, and street address of the person completing this survey:
* How did you initially discover Riverwood Homes?
Drive by
Friend or other referral
Social media
Where did you move from (city, state)?
Please rate your experience with the following:
Very Poor Unsatisfactory Neutral Satisfactory Exceptional N/A
* Construction and warranty superintendent
* Transaction Coordinator
* Architect/ draftsman
* Other Riverwood Homes employees
* Listing agent representing Riverwood Homes
* Please comment on your buying experience with Riverwood Homes:
* What do you like most about your new home?
* What would you change about your new home?
* Will you consider buying your next home from Riverwood Homes?
Yes, Absolutely
Yes, Possibly
Not Sure
Probably Not
* Will you refer your friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. to Riverwood Homes?
Yes, Absolutely
Yes, Possibly
Not Sure
Probably Not
* What improvements can Riverwood Homes make as a company?