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Exit Survey
The year in Israel is a formative and potentially life altering experience.   We created this survey with the 3 below  goals in mind.  Please take a few minutes to answer these questions.  The information you provide us with go a long way to helping us be better educators for students while learning at Nishmat as well as continuing to connect with students after they leave.  

1.  Better understand your circumstances and experiences in college and beyond 
2.  Reflect on the the challenges you face after you leave Nishmat
3.  Providing us with ideas how Nishmat can continue to play a role in your lives 
How would you describe the level to which the year in Nishmat positively impacted your life?
Most influential experience I have had
Very Influential
Somewhat influential
Minimally influential
To what extent would you say that your Nishmat experience has had an impact on your religous life, in any of the following areas?
Not at All Minimally To an Extent Significantly
Develop a love for being Jewish
Develop a sense that Judaism has spiritual depth
Cultivate a relationship with G-d
Motivate you to continue to learn and grow your Judaism
Your attitudes towards the role of Jewish women
Your choices of profession
Your choices of potential spouse
To what extent do you feel you achieved the goals you set for yourself for your year in Israel  
Not at all
To a small extent
To an extent
To a great extent
How important is Torah learning in your life?
Don't know Not at all Minimally Somewhat Very Important
Before you came to Nishmat
While you were at Nishmat
How often do you learn Torah since being at Nishmat?
Not at all
Once a month
Once a week
Which of the following types of Torah learning do you participate in?
Never Rarely Occasionally Often
Private learning
Chevruta learning
Learning Programs (y'mei iyun, lunch and learn etc..)
Attending shiurim
Which of the following areas of Torah learning do you partake in? (Select all that apply)?
Jewish Thought

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