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Non-GMO Organic Survey

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    • Please try to complete the survey in one session.The survey should take no more than 5-7 minutes to complete.
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Which of the following crops did you grow in 2016 (Select all that apply)?
Corn Soybeans Other Crops None of these
* Organic row crops
* Transition row crops
* Non-GMO row crops
* Traditional row crops
* In which state is your farming operation?
Please fill in the number of acres, if any, you had of the following crops in 2016?
If you marketed any of these crops, what premium over conventional crops did you receive in 2016?
Please fill in the number of acres, if any, will you have of the following crops in 2017?
Corn Soybeans Other Crops
What premium over conventional crops did you expect to receive in 2017?
Corn Premium Soybean Premium Other Crop Premium
Organic row crops
Non-GMO row crops
   % food-grade
   % food-grade
What are the biggest advantages to you for each crop production system (select all that apply)?
Organic Non-GMO
More profit per acre
I feel more in sync with nature
I feel good about what I am doing
Utilizes less productive ground
Using livestock resources (manure)
Like not using chemicals
More sustainable crop production
Lower input costs
Less weed resistance
Thinking past 2017, do you intend to increase, decrease or maintain your acres of the following types of CORN in the following two years?
Increase Decrease Maintain
Thinking past 2017, do you intend to increase, decrease or maintain your acres of the following types of SOYBEANS in the following two years?
Increase Decrease Maintain
Don't know
What are the biggest disadvantages or barriers to expanding your production of the following types of crops?
Organic Non-GMO
Fields look messy
Transition costs
Lack of manure
Difficult to get good agronomic advice
Profits not as high as expected
Weed control option limited/less effective
Organic inputs have to get/expensive
Neighbors complain
Lower yields
Lack of good genetics
Inconsistent yields
Difficult to get suppliers to understand my operation
Buyers hard to find/hard to get premiums
Which of these do you think would increase organic or non-GMO acres fastest in the U.S. (select all that apply?
Organic Non-GMO
Higher premiums
More buyers/elevators handling
Better agronomic advice
More acceptance by neighbors
Better weed control alternatives
Better plant nutrition alternatives
Lower transition costs
Higher yields
Better genetics
More input suppliers
More ability to talk with other organic/non-GMO growers
How many times have you attended the MOSES (Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service) Convention?
Do you attend every year?
Where do you receive most of your information regarding organic or non-GMO crop production (select all that apply)?
Extension service
Conventional agraonomic retailers
Seed companies/other suppliers
MOSES (Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service)
Other organic associations
I have not received any information about organic or non-GMO production

The following information will be used to send your honorarium.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 : 
City : 
State : 
Zip : 
Email Address :