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You are invited to participate in our evaluation of the November 19, 2012 Workshop "Introduction to Social Innovation and Social Enterprise". All participants are being asked to complete a survey that asks questions about their satisfaction with the event. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your responses will be strictly confidential and responses will be reported only in the aggregate.

Thank you very much for your time and support to assist Vital York’s Learning Series. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How did you learn of the workshop?
Through our Facebook Page
On our Website
Business network
York Region Social Enterprise Discussion Group Basecamp
Vital York Newsletter
Direct Email Announcement
Why did you attend the workshop? Select all that apply.
For networking
Interest in event topics
You know the organizers or participants
Thinking about starting a Social Enterprise

Did you benefit from this workshop?
Will use this information in the next 3-6 months
Interesting but will not use the information
Information not helpful
Please indicate your interest in the agenda topics.
Interested Neutral Not Interested
What is Social Innovation?
What is Social Enterprise & How to get started.
Introduction to Social Enterprise - Legal Issues.
Two examples of Social Enterprises in York Region.
What else is happening in York Region.
A chance to ask questions.
Please indicate the importance of the following other features.
Important Neutral Unimportant
Take away materials
Ease of transportation or parking
Length of event
Networking with Social Enterprise experienced attendees
Would you recommend this Learning Series to a friend or colleague?
What stage is your organization at with Social Enterprise?
Not interested in social enterprise at this time
Social Enterprise awareness
Have a SE/SI idea
Opportunity identification
Conducting a feasibility study
Developing a business plan
Already launched
How interested are you in the following future learning topics?
Interested Neutral Uninterested
Social Finance
Social Technologies
Brainstorming your own Social Enterprise ideas in a supportive designlab workshop
Social Enterprise Business Training workshops
Do you have any suggestions for improving our Social Enterprise/Social Innovation Learning Series?
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