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Thank you for taking time to answer these questions. Please read each sentence carefully and click the face that shows how you feel. 
What is your first name?
What is your last name?
What grade are you in?
I like to learn new things even if they look hard. 
Not like me at all
Not much like me
Kind of like me
Mostly like me
Very like me
I keep working on a school project even if it is not fun. 
Not like me at all
Not much like me
Kind of like me
Mostly like me
Very like me
I think it is hard to work on school projects that take a long time. 
Not like me at all
Not much like me
Kind of like me
Mostly like me
Very like me
If I want to get better at something I practice at it. 
Not like me at all
Not much like me
Kind of like me
Mostly like me
Very like me
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