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You are invited to participate in this brief quiz. This quiz will ask you questions about case management and organizational commitment. The quiz will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the quiz or the procedures, you may contact Marissa Kiss at 701-993-5222 or [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and support. If you agree to participate, please check the agree box listed below.
Years working as a Probation Officer/ Agent
Transgender (Male to Female)
Transgender (Female to Male)
Don’t Know
What type of training have you had in the past two years? (check all that apply)
Motivational Interviewing
Thinking for a Change (T4C)

To what extent do you use the following case management practices with clients on your caseload or in your program?
Never Some of the time About half the time Most of the time Always
Provide the client with a written plan that includes rules and conditions of supervision (not counting the service plan).
Client signs written copy of plan that includes rules and conditions of supervision (not counting the service plan).
Graduated sanctions
Graduated incentives
In monitoring the progress of a client on your caseload who is attending a treatment program or other service, how frequently do you typically engage in each of the following activities? (Check one for each row)
Never Every 2-3 months Once a month Every 2 weeks Weekly or more
a. Face to face contact with client
b. Face to face contact with client's family
c. Telephone or face to face contact with program staff
d. Review urinalysis
Please indicate the extent to which you feel comfortable in doing the following.
Very Uncomfortable Uncomfortable Neutral Comfortable Very Comfortable
Praise the client for successful completion of a task or for achieving a goal
Establish or review a behavioral contract
Remind the client that he/she should be more committed to change.
Letting the client know that they have a valid point
Tell the client that they have to tell their family and/or friends about their problems.
Asking questions that allow the client to comment on their progress made
Summarize what the client said to allow him/her to hear their own ideas
Repeat the exact words that the client said to get feedback from him/her
Tell the client that he/she needs to change their behavior or they will be violated
Reiterate to the client an area that they should desire to change.
Very Uncomfortable Uncomfortable Neutral Comfortable Very Comfortable
Work at getting the client to discuss change
Explore how the client can strengthen their commitment to change
Indicate to the client that what they are doing is not right.
Help the client see the difference between where his/her life is and where the client wants to be in the future
Ask the client to identify different ways that they could handle a difficult situation in the future
Tell the client to take your advice since you have handled many problems in the past.
Ask only specific questions to avoid getting into a lengthy discussion
Be sure to remind the client that he is under supervision and needs to be more careful in his/her decision
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about your organization
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I talk up this organization to my friends as a great place to work
Since joining this organization my personal values and those of the agency have become more similar
The reason I prefer this organization to others is because of what it stands for that is its values
My attachment to this organization is primarily based on the similarity of my values and those represented by the office
How hard I work for this organization is directly linked to how much I am rewarded
In order for me to get rewarded around here it is necessary to express the right attitude
My private views about this organization are different from those I express publicly
Unless I am rewarded for it in some way I see no reason to expend extra effort on behalf of this organization
What this organization stands for is important to me
If the values of the organization were different I would not be as attached to this organization
I am proud to tell others that I am a part of this organization
I feel a sense of ownership for this organization rather than just being an employee