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The OIA Committee would like to know the membership's views on the OIA/Topcon competition and how participation can be improved. We would appreciate it if you are able to spend 5-10 minutes to fill in the questionnaire below.

Any outcomes of the questionaire may be implemented for the competition in 2015. The arrangements, terms & conditions for the 2014 competition remain unchanged.

The closing date to participate in the survery is Tuesday 14th October.

If you have any further comments or ideas please email [email protected].

Many thanks in advance.
Please answer
Yes No
Are you an OIA member?
Are you aware that there is an OIA Photographic Competition each year?
Have you previously entered the annual photographic competition?
Are you aware that there are different categories for the photographic competition?
Are you aware that there is a prize for each category?
Are the category prizes appropriate for the competition?
Is a category prize something you would like to win?
Are you aware that there is one overall winner?
Do you think it is appropriate to have one overall winner for the competition?
Is the overall winner prize appropriate for the competition?
Is the overall winner prize something you would like to win?
Do you think there should be runner up prizes?
Do you feel that the photographic competition is a worthwhile benefit of your membership?
When did you last enter the OIA photographic competition?
If you have NOT previously entered to the OIA photographic competition, why?
Often the deadline for the competition needs to be extended due to the lack of entries. How can the number of entries be increased?
Do you understand what type of image can be entered for each categories? (Anterior Segment; Posterior Segment; Fluorescein Angiography / Indocyanine Green Angiography; Optical Coherence Tomography; Case Presentation & Artistic)
If not, what would help?
Do the categories cover the imaging work that you carry out?
If not, what other categories do you suggest?
What alternative prizes do you think there should be as category prizes?
What alternative prizes do you think there should be for the overall winner?
What sort of prizes do you think there should be for the runner up's?
Submission - currently run as a print competition with prints submitted before the annual conference. Please select all that you think should be available as methods of entry.
Keep as Print
Print and electronic images for record
Print and electronic (printed for display)
Print and electronic (electronic displayed on screen)
Electronic (printed for display)
Electronic (electronic displayed on screen)

What form of submission are you most likely use?
Currently the members that enter the OIA photographic competition DO NOT have to attend conference/ or the conference dinner. This can result in them not being present to receive the awards. Do you agree or disagree with the current format?
Should the Terms & Conditions be changed so that you have to attend the conference/conference dinner in order to enter the competition, in order to be present receive a prize if you win one?
If the individual entering the competition is unable to be at the conference/dinner can a representative go in there place, i.e. at least one person from their department?
If the entrant or their chosen representative is not present at conference/dinner to collect a prize, should the another winner be selected in their place?
Judging - Keep as is?
Judging - To have a pre-conference round, to allow a shortlist of finalists to be invited to attend the Dinner?
Judging - Please suggest alternatives?
Do you have any other comments with regards to the OIA photographic competition?
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