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* In general how many times a year do you buy hair?
0-5 times per year
5-10 times per year
10-15 times per year
15- more times per year
* List your top 3 favorite hair extension brands?
* When seeking new hair extensions what terms do you use in Google?
Rate the following social networks from most used to least used, when seeking new hair extensions.
* Pinterest
* Youtube
* Instagram
* Facebook
* Twitter
* How much do you normally spend on one single bundle of high quality Virgin hair extensions?
* Would you prefer to pay separately for shipping and to pay less for your hair extensions, or would you rather have free shipping and pay more for your hair extensions?
Pay separately for shipping and to pay less for your hair extensions
Free shipping and to pay more for your hair extensions
* What has been your worst experience with buying from a web shop?
* Have you ever had to return the extensions you bought? If so, what was the reason for your return and did the return policy satisfy your needs?
How important is it to receive maintenance and care brochures with your hair package?
Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important
* Maintenance and care brochures included in hair packaging.
* Describe your idea of a perfect hair extension brand. Which type of product, services, quality, image, advertising and return policies would this brand offer?
Your feedback is valuable in our efforts to build a luxury online hair boutique. We like to thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and opinions, for it will aid in the creation of The World's Most Premium Virgin Hair Extension Brand!
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