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Hello : My name is Zorawar Singh, I am a Marketing Research student at Symbiosis University, Pune. I am conducting this survey to find out people's attitudes when shopping for products online. Please answer all questions. Some questions may seem similar to each other, but please answer all questions. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes. The work is of academic interest and all responses will remain confidential and secure. Thank you for your help!
Below are some statements of people's attitudes towards the Internet. Please check the one box per statement that best describes your attitude.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
I think online shopping is (or would be) a fun, novel way to shop
I don't want to give out my credit card information on the Internet
I buy online only if 'Cash on delivery' option is available
Paying online is as safe as using a bank card at a physical point of sale
I fear I might make a mistake while paying online and never get my money back
I buy online only if 'Net banking' option is available
I plan to increase my online spending in future
Do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
I think shopping is a recreational and social activity
I consider shopping to be an 'errand' or work
I feel the time spent shopping could be better utilized elsewhere
I prefer shopping in stores to get the product immediately
Internet stores have better prices and promotions than the local stores
A day spent shopping at a mall with friends is a day well spent
How accurately do the following statements describe you
Just like me Quite a lot like me Somewhat like me Not much like me Not at all like me
I am worried about having my credit card information stolen on the Internet
I don't know which online retailer to trust
I generally request someone else (eg. Friends, Kids) to make the online payment for me
I use the Internet to bank online
I use the Internet to book airline tickets
I don't mind saving my payment information on mobile based apps (eg. App Store, Uber, Skype)
For me being able to see,touch and try the product is necessary
Over the past few years roughly how often did you shop for products (eg. clothes, shoes, accessories, electronics, furniture, etc.) in physical stores? 
Once a week or more
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Every few months
And during the same period how often did you shop online?
Once a week or more
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Every few months
Through repeated use some people are comfortable with the following. Tell us which they are for you, by checking one box for each item.
This is easy for me I could do this I don't know how to do this
Sending or reading emails
Using word-processing programs
Installing computer software
Configuring computer drivers
Browsing the Internet
Making a purchase on the Internet
Fixing a system (eg. Windows) problem
And lastly, a few final -but important- questions to help classify your answers. 
You are?
You're from ?
And your age is 
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