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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
First Name : 
Last Name : 
* Email Address : 
From 0-10, how would you rate our Newsletter generally? Where 0 is the poorest and 10 is very satisfied.
Please tick below options on what you feel about the length of this quarterly newsletter.
Newsletter is too long, too much content to go through
Newsletter is too short, not enough content
Newsletter is just the right length
Please tick below options on what you feel about the content of this quarterly newsletter.
Useful/ relevant
Not useful / not relevant
Could do with improvement

If you would like to elaborate your answers in questions 3 & 4, (for example, too much technical information, or you would like to read more on _________, and less on _________.)
If there was an option to share this newsletter with your business partners or interested parties, will you? Yes/ No? If no, why not?