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Oxford Rare Disease Conference

Oxford Rare Disease Conference 2015
Exit Survey
Please specify the main reason for attending the conference:
Speakers - Funding
Speakers - Research
Did the conference fulfill your reason for attending?
Yes - Absolutely
Yes - But not to my full extent
No- Please Explain
Please indicate your overall satisfaction with the conference
Very Unsatisfied Somewhat Unsatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A
Conference Organisation
Registration Process
Poster Presentations
Networking Opportunities
Food & Beverage
Which topics would you be interested to learn more about at the next conference?
Please share any other feedback you have about the event and how we can improve it:
Are there any other events/ services you would like the Oxford Rare Disease Initiative to organize/ provide?
Optional Information
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 : 
City : 
State : 
Zip : 
Email Address : 
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