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Exit Survey
In which year did you complete the Kentucky Teacher Intern Program?
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
On average, how frequently did you meet, IN PERSON, with your KTIP mentor about issues related to your teaching practice? This would include curriculum, instruction, formative assessment, preparing or sharing materials, etc.
2-3 times per week
Twice per month
Once per month
Less than once per month
I never met with my mentor
On average, how long were the IN-PERSON meetings with your support provider?
I never met with my Support Provider
Fewer than 30 minutes
31-60 minutes
61-90 minutes
More than 90 minutes
On average, how frequently did you communicate with your KTIP mentor in ways other than in person (email,phone,or other) about issues related to your teaching practice?
Two or three times per week
Twice per month
On average, how frequently did your mentor observe you in your classroom this year?
I was not observed by my mentor
Three times
More than three times
In terms of meeting your overall needs and completing program requirements, how adequate was the time you spent with your mentor?
Not adequate
Somewhat adequate
More than adequate
How well matched were you with your mentor?
Not well matched
Somewhat well matched
Moderately well matched
Well matched
You responded to question 8 that you are "not well matched" or "somewhat well matched" with your mentor. In which of the following areas could the match have been improved?
Grade level or subject area experience or background
Familiarity with site resources
Personality,disposition, and working style
Familiarity with colleagues and site administration
Did the following challenging conditions exist for you and, if so, were additional resources and support (from the district,school, or induction program) provided?
Condition did not exist No extra support given Extra support given
Larger than site average assignment to multiple classes
Larger than site average proportions of ELL
Larger than site average proportion of Special Populations
Larger than site average proportion of students with behavior
Inadequate availability of instructional materials
Inadequate support from site administrators
Insufficient time for collaboration with colleagues
Uneven distribution of extra duties
If supports were provided, what supports did you find beneficial?