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Personality Profile Inventory

Personality Profile Inventory
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Dear Participant,

You have been nominated by your organization to take this Personality Profile Inventory as part of your on-going assessment center process. You will be asked to answer a set of questions regarding your thoughts about different aspects of your personality. The purpose of this study is to investigate personality traits of an individual and his/her ability to make appropriate responses to changed or changing circumstances. There is no right or wrong answers and you can take as much time as you want. Typically, it should take 30-35 minutes to complete this survey.

The data collected for this study will be used anonymously and held strictly confidential. Data will only be used for research purposes and results may be published in product manuals, scientific journals or presented at conferences.

Please keep in mind the following points:
· To be able to get the best advice from results, all you have to do is answer what is true for you.
· It’s best to give the first natural answer as it comes to you and not spend too much time thinking about an answer.
· Please answer from your own experience rather than ask the opinion of anyone else.
· Be as open and truthful as you can. This will maximize the quality of the feedback that you will receive in due course.
· Answer every question. Some may not apply to you very well or they may not interest you, but respond to an answer that best suits you. Try not to skip any question.
· All questions in the survey are mandatory. Please note, the answers given here are kept confidential.

Thank You! for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Participant Profile
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Designation:
* Age Group:
* Gender:
* Work experience (In years)
Section - 1/5
1. I enjoy talking to my colleagues at work
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
2. Interacting and networking with people:
Fun, but not all the time
Annoying but necessary.
What life is all about.
3. I prefer to work by myself and be my own boss
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
4. I tend to feel more at ease when surrounded by people.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
5. You are multitasking on a number of tasks with tight deadlines and have a lot of basic information together. You have asked other colleagues for help but are unsure of their commitment to help you gather the information that you need.
Spend time on your work to make sure that you have plenty of latitude/leeway in case your colleagues don't deliver the help you need in time.
Reduce the risk by getting the information that you need yourself rather than relying upon other people.
Outline the help that you need from others and explain to them why this is important and the dates by which you need their individual contributions.
6. My quality of work will improve if I work independently.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
7. I enjoy going out with friends from work.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
8. You manage an extremely busy team of five people who operate as customer care executives in your stores. The peak business period for the year is approaching and minor customer complaints are reaching the breaking point, with staff morale dropping and errors increasing. Your staff are openly questioning what is expected of them and are confused about their department's overall objectives. However, the situation is not irretrievable if you act now: your major customers remain happy. Urgent action is required.
Establish formal target setting and review arrangements for each member of the team.
Inform the team that there is too much careless work and announce the introduction of a formal record of errors. Stress the fact that individuals making repeated errors will be dealt with.
Set up weekly meetings with your team to review progress and set up short-term objectives.
9. My best work is done when I am left alone.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
10. I deliver best outcomes when I work in collaboration with others.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
11. I am very good at keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
12. I would prefer to spend an evening at home with a quiet hobby.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
13. I would prefer to spend an evening at a lively get-together.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
14. I tend to become bored when I am on my own for a long time.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
15. I dislike loud, noisy people.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
16. When someone offers help to me, I :
Wonder what they really want
Refuse their offer of help
Gladly accept their help
17. I prefer to "take a back seat" in meetings and discussions.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
18. The best way to learn something new is by reading a well-written book on it.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
19. I would rather listen to music:
Alone at home
Only when I am travelling
With an audience in a large auditorium
20. The best way to learn something new is by discussing it with individuals who know a lot about the subject.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
Section - 2/5
21. I give problems weighty consideration before making up my mind.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
22. An employee's success at work is best judged by their ability to increase organizational profits.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
23. You've been assigned to train a new recruit at your work. He/She is pretty young and inexperienced, so you do your best to explain everything to him/her as slowly and clearly as possible. After a week of intensive training and note-taking, you leave the new recruit to his/her own. Not even two hours into it, he/she has come to ask you for help 3 times - and on the same task! What do you do?
I run through a quick explanation of the task and hope it sticks this time.
I sit down with him/her again and go through the task step by step, leaving him/her time between each step to write everything down.
I tell him/her to pay close attention and to write notes as I explain it step by step - again.
24. If a customer was very forceful with me (e.g. demanding a rebate for a small imperfection on an item, demanding to be served ahead of other customers, etc.), I would stand my ground.
25. Once I have made a decision, I prefer to let others implement it.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
26. It doesn't bother me if people think I am pushy as long as I get things done.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
27. In managing people, 'gut feeling' is always more important than facts.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
28. You have just finished next month’s staff rota, a job which has taken you two days to complete. You are now behind with a number of other important tasks. Radhika, a customer adviser, asks if she can take three days unplanned holiday next month because her house move has been brought forward unexpectedly. Changing a single shift on this complex document can sometimes take half a day, so reorganizing three shifts may mean re-doing the whole rota. The staff handbook states that employees should give eight weeks notice for holiday requests although this is not always enforced.
Tell her you will try to arrange one day for her but not three.
You reject the request and remind her that eight weeks notice is required for holiday requests.
Tell her that she can take the time if she can find colleagues to cover the gaps that will be created in the rota.
29. I am highly patient with people even when I know they are taking a lot of my time.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
30. I sometimes resent having to help people whose problems are of their own making.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
31. When at work, its unwise to be too sensitive about others' feelings.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
32. People have often told me that I am not assertive enough.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
33. I am often a bit bossy.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
34. Its essential to be aggressive sometimes in order to get things done.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
35. When I disagree with others, I always tell them.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
36. I hesitate to offer my opinion if I think others might disagree.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
37. You have booked tickets to see your favorite pop star who you have been waiting to see live for years. Then a close friend asks you to help out at a charity event they have organized. You know that they have taken too much on and have no one else to turn to. What would you do?
Explain to your friend, that you had booked tickets for the concerts well in advance.
Make an excuse, suggesting that you will be out of town during the charity event.
Tell your friend you will help him out as much as possible but you would not want to miss the concert either.
38. A customer has asked for your opinion on a really expensive outfit. She really seems to like it, but is hesitant because of the price - it's a little more than she can afford. You're well aware that if you can convince this client to make the purchase, it will really impress your co-workers and boss - it's one of the priciest articles of clothing the store sells! How would you proceed?
I'd tell her to think about it for a day and if she still wants it she can purchase it tomorrow.
I'd tell the client that if she's not 100% sure she wants to buy it, then she shouldn't. I wouldn't want to force her to buy something she may not really be able to afford.
I'd tell her that if she really likes it and can see herself wearing it often, it would be worth the investment.
39. A manager should never assign work without first attempting to gain team's support.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
40. Its inappropriate to jude a person's work by its effect on an organization's profit.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Section - 3/5
41. I tend to over-react when people are aggressive towards me.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
42. There have been days when I have felt so agitated that it impaired my ability to work at all.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
43. When I feel angry with someone, I prefer not to let it show.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
44. At a hectic day at work,in order to reduce stress and enable myself to relax I usually:
Like to sleep for a couple of hours
Have a few drinks of my favorite alcohol
Spend time with my family
45. The main purpose of weekends for me is:
A time when I can spend more time with family and friends.
A time when I don’t have to work quite as hard as I do the rest of the week. However, I am not in a position where I can completely switch off.
A time for giving myself a mental and emotional break
46. People easily open up their feelings with me.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
47. When people provoke me, I can get angry with them.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
48. At times, one needs to be ruthless in order to succeed.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
49. Working in a hectic atmosphere drains my energy out.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
50. I often feel anxious that I might have done something wrong once the work is submitted.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
51. I occasionally feel somewhat pessimistic about my career and growth prospects.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
52. On most occasions, I am the one calming everyone down when feelings are running high.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
53.  I prefer making a sale in a work environment with:
Some pressure
Low pressure
High Pressure
54. Its difficult to appear enthusiastic when feeling disappointed.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
55. Meeting tight deadlines makes me nervous.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
56. Some people may see me as being over-sensitive to criticism.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
57. A customer has come to your store to return a dress that you sold to her yesterday. She claims that she changed her mind and decided she didn't really like it, but upon inspecting the dress, you're not very convinced of her story. It clearly looks worn - and you happen to know that it was in perfect condition when she bought it. You calmly tell the client that you cannot return her money because of the condition of the dress, and she immediately starts yelling at you, calling you names, and causing a scene. How would you respond?
I'd call the manager and have him/her deal with this customer.
I'd keep my mouth shut and return her the money in order to avoid a scene.
I will show her the evidence that the dress has been worn, and explain clearly that according to the store's return policy, I cannot return her money.
58. I tend to get emotional after an argument with a colleague.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
59. You have spent a considerable amount of time and worked really hard on preparing a report that is due for submission to a senior manager. A more experienced and well respected member of the team tells you that he thinks it can be improved with amendments to several sections of the report.
Make some of the changes she suggested but retain the core elements of the report.
Thank your colleague for her suggestions but trust your own judgment and don't make any changes to the report.
Discuss with your colleague the changes she has suggested and clarify the reasons for the changes proposed.
60. I take an optimistic view of my chances of success at work.
Completely True
Mostly True
Mostly False
Completely False
Section - 4/5
61. My boss usually praises my reports as being:
Comprehensive, covering all aspects
The first report to reach his table
Detailed and exacting
62. Routine is boring and tedious.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
63. You lead a team of ten people. In order to address the department's new objectives you have been asked to work out your department's yearly plan. Your Manager has given you and other team leaders a deadline of two weeks so that she can report to the board.
Try to complete the plan in time to discuss it with your Manager before she has to submit it to the board.
Finish the plan as quickly as possible, after all this is her work you are doing, you have your daily tasks to take care of.
Before preparing your plan, you quickly contact your key stakeholders and ask for their views on your department so that you can incorporate their views in your final plan.
64. I expect, some people say I am exacting in my work.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
65. A job well done is a sufficient reward in itself irrespective of its outcome.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
66. I would not hesitate to carry out any mundane tasks at work even if I thought its unnecessary.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
67. I have a reputation for being good at checking details.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
68. People tend to see me as a perfectionist.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
69. You have been working on a project for weeks only for your boss to tell you that the project has now been scrapped. You feel:
Disappointed, but realize these things do happen from time to time.
Not loose sleep over it, you don't like to get overly attached to the work you do.
Extremely disappointed since you worked hard at it, and seek clarifications from your manager in this regard.
70. I find administrative work somewhat tedious.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
71. It bothers me when asked to cut corners to get a job completed on time.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
72. When you have to solve a difficult problem, You:
Postpone it till the time you finish all your easy tasks and then get on with it.
Try to delegate or outsource the problem to my colleagues, one of them would surely know how to solve this problem.
Start on the problem right away, since you do not know how much time it might take to solve this.
73. I prefer to leave the routine administration work to others.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
74. I would quickly become bored if I was given a long and tedious job to do.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
75. I tend to adhere to a strict schedule at work.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
76. A practical approach constraints the breadth of vision necessary for good planning.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
77. Usually I prefer to work on details and leave the broader strategy to others.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
78. Dealing with wider implications of a project excites me more than the details.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
79. I often forget to put things back in their proper place.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
80. Your new boss wants you to take up additional responsibilities due to staff shortage but you feel you already have enough on your plate, you:
Try and delegate some of the work responsibilities to your reportee while adjusting the remaining in your current schedule.
Tell your boss that under no circumstances you will be able to handle the additional tasks effectively since your schedule is already packed.
Request your boss to fill up the vacant positions in your department soon and until then reorganize your schedule to incorporate the additional tasks.
Section - 5/5
81. Your company needs to come up with a new ad campaign to sell your latest product and your superior has chosen you as project manager. During a brainstorming meeting, your youngest team member (who just got hired and is fresh out of school) comes up with an idea that, although really unconventional, could end up being really successful. Unfortunately, the veterans on your team who've had years of experience in marketing don't seem to be too enthusiastic about it. You yourself don't seem to be completely sold on it either, and actually had something completely different in mind. However, this new ad campaign is geared towards a younger audience - just about the same age as the newest rookie - and he/she really seems to be on top of what's hot these days. What do you do?
I run it through the rest of the team and try to determine the pros and the cons of going with it. Unless the majority of the team supports it, I won't use it.
I give him/her a chance to explain his/her idea just to be fair, but I'd probably turn it down since the majority of the group is against the idea.
I decide to give his/her idea a try, even if the rest of the team is a little unsure. I'm always open to trying something new.
82. Fulfilling my intellectual desires is a priority.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
83. I thrive on change.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
84. I enjoy philosophical discussions.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
85. Figuring out how & why things work the way they do fascinates me.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
86. I believe my knowledge should be shared even if others take credit for it.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
87. I enjoy coming up with new theories and ideas.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
88. When I get a new assignment, I start on it by first using the approaches that have worked for me previously.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
89. When I get an assignment, I spend considerable time to research on it before I start work.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
90. Your team has recently encountered a problem similar to one you confronted in the past with your previous organization. The solution you came up with at your previous job ended up working out really well. However, while brainstorming together with your current team, they end up coming up with a completely different solution, one that you've never thought of before – and aren't sure will work. How do you react?
I ask my team members to seriously consider solving the problem the way my team did in the past.
I insist that they use my old solution instead, since it was successful before. No reason to believe it won't work here as well.
I’m concerned about the possibility of failure of their new solution, but I accept that there may be more than one way to solve the problem and hence go ahead with it.
91. People say I have a good level of general knowledge.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
92. You are general manager for western India region in a company called Brew Global that has specialty coffee stores across India. As a corporate strategy, Brew Global tries to offer its patrons personalized service by remembering their choices in previous visits. Lately some customers have started to demand ingredients in their coffee and food products which are not part of Brew Global's recipe. Due to the unavailability of these ingredients at the the stores many loyal customers have started to frequent multinational coffee chains. The quarterly results reflect this and their is a small decline in revenue, the senior management has asked suggestions from you to increase the revenue and profit margins for this region.
Include more specialty items in the menu in order to cater a wider audience.
Open stores in new locations to offset the decline in footfall in your existing stores.
Conduct a market survey to understand your customer preferences and incorporate the feedback in to your menu.
93. You are a sales assistant in a luxury watch store, unfortunately your supervisor do not often see eye to eye and as a result there is constant friction. You have a new idea to improve the efficiency of the existing inventory management system. You are in two minds whether to share this information with your supervisor or not since you do not wish to worsen what seems to be an already fragile working relationship. You would:
Look for an opportune moment and then casually share your idea with the supervisor without putting too much emphasis on it.
Avoid sharing the idea with your supervisor since you do not wish to further antagonize your relationship.
Gather evidence and then prepare a formal case in your supporting your idea even if your supervisor does not like it.
94. I rarely see a point of following custom & traditions.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
95. I am careful of the impression I create in a social-setup
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
96. People might say, I am quite a conventional person at heart.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
97. I consider 'Google' & 'Wikipedia' as my best friends when it comes to seeking answers.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
98. Research is my passion.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
99. Imagine yourself to be a car salesman, you would like to deal with customers who are:
Customers who know which car to buy but are confused between the models.
Customers who know what their budget is and have done their homework regarding the various features available in different models.
Customers who want to buy a car.
100. I tend to feel uncomfortable if I go against the rules.
Exactly like me
A lot like me
A little like me
Not at all like me
#Please make sure you have answered all the questions in this section.