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You have been invited to take part in research aiming to investigate whether personality type determines facebook usage and experiences of jealousy whilst using facebook.

Why have I been asked to take part?
You have been chosen to take part as you match the target population in which this research is interested in, you have been identified as a user of facebook, you are of a suitable age to take part in this research (18+).

Do I have to take part?
No. At any point before or during the study you can withdraw by contacting the researcher quoting your participant number and any questionnaires you have answered will be destroyed. Withdrawal is possible up to one week after the study by contacting me on the email provided at the bottom of this page. There are no consequences should you wish to withdraw.

What will happen to me if I take part?
You will be asked firstly to sign a form stating you consent to take part in this research. You will then be asked to fill in four questionnaires which will include questionnaires on personality types, facebook usage, facebook jealousy and the final to determines levels of individual differences. We ask you to rate your answer to all questions on the scale provided. Your participation in this research should take approximately 15-20 minutes.

What are the possible disadvantages of taking part?
The questionnaires may make you aware of some feelings that you may not wish to, which may make you feel uncomfortable. You can have a break and move on to another question if you feel uncomfortable.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?
There are no intended benefits although you may feel you have benefited from volunteering and sharing your thoughts.

What if something goes wrong?
As mentioned you may have some unpleasant feelings related to your use of Facebook or levels of jealousy, if you feel you would like to speak to someone about this you may contact the researcher or other individuals involved in this research project, contact details of which are given below.

Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
Yes. All of the information you provide on the questionnaires will be kept confidential. All questionnaires will be stored safely, in a locked drawer when not being analysed and then destroyed after the data has been written up. You do not have to include your name on the questionnaires, the researcher will provide you with a participant number which you should use in any correspondence with the researcher for example if you wish to withdraw you participation within the study.

What will happen to the results of the research study?
The results will be written up as part of this research project. The research will form part of a dissertation and presented at an academic presentation.

Who has reviewed this study?
Coventry university ethics committee has approved this study.

What if I have a complaint?
If you have a question or complaint you can raise it with me in the first instance with the details provided below, if you still have concerns you can raise these with John Williams the research supervisor again details are provided below.

Contact for further information
Researcher - Siobhan Nicholls [email protected]

Please rate your answer to the following questions on the 1-5 scale with 1 being very inaccurate and 5 being very accurate
1 2 3 4 5
I am the life of the party
I feel comfortable around people
I start conversations
I talk to a lot of different people at parties
I dont mind being the centre of attention
I am interested in people
I sympathize with others feelings
I have a soft heart
I take time out for others
I feel others emotions
1 2 3 4 5
I make people feel at ease
I am always prepared
I pay attention to details
I get chores done right away
I like order
I follow a schedule
I am exacting in my work
I am relaxed most of the time
I seldom feel blue
I have a rich vocabulary
1 2 3 4 5
I have a vivid imagination
I have excellent ideas
I am quick to understand things
I use difficult words
I spend time reflecting on things
I am full of ideas
Please rate your answer to the following questions on the 1-5 scale with 1 being very accurate and 5 being very innacurate
1 2 3 4 5
I dont talk a lot
I keep in the background
I have little to say
I dont like to draw attention to myself
I am quiet around strangers
I am not really interested in others
I insult people
I am not interested in other peoples problems
I feel little concern for others
I leave my belongings around
1 2 3 4 5
I make a mess of things
I often forget to put things back in their proper place
I shirk my duties
I get stressed easily
I worry about things
I ma easily disturbed
I get upset easily
I change my mood a lot
I have frequent mood swings
I get irritated easy
I often feel blue
I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas
I am not interested in abstract ideas
I do not have a good imagination
Pleas rate your answer to the following questions on the 1-5 scale with one being not true at all and 5 being extremely true
1 2 3 4 5
I like myself
I compare myself to others
I am worthy to be loved
I focus on failures rather than success
I am concerned about what others think of me
I feel angry most of the time
My anger interferes with my sleep
My anger interferes with my work/studies
Feeling angry means i cannot think clearly
Feeling angry interferes with my appetite
I fear being rejected
I fear being alone
I fear losing my friends
I fear losing my family
I fear being criticized
Please rate the following items on the 1-5 scale with 1 being strongly disagree to 5 being strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5
I use facebook often
A lot of personal information (including photos, email, phone number, sexuality, religion, relationship status) is available for others people to view on my profile
I have a lot of friends on facebook
I change my profile picture often
I change my status often
I upload photos often
I communicate mostly on facebook
I am friends on facebook with people i only see regularly
I have people i dont know as friends on facebook
Pleas rate your answer to the following questions on the 1-5 scale with 1 being not jealous at all and 5 being extremely jealous
1 2 3 4 5
Your partner accepts a friend requst from someone they were previously in a relationship with
You find that your partner has been sending private messages to a previous partner via facebook
You see photos of your partner on a night out with someone they were previously in a relationship with
Your partner spends a lot of time on the profile of a person they were previously in a relationship with
Your partner compliments the appearance of an ex partner on their facebook photo
Your partner writes romantic status' about an ex partner on facebook
Your partner becomes friends with a lot of attractive people on facebook
Your partner 'likes' a lot of status of a member of the opposite sex
You see on facebook that a close firend has been on a night out they did not invite you to
A close friends becomes friends with someone you do not like
A close friend is becoming increasingly close to another friend on facebook via comments, likes and messages,
A close friend 'defriends' you on facebook
Friends share private jokes on facebook that you are not involved in
Please record your sex
Please record your age
Debrief. Thank You for your participation in this study. As mentioned in the Participant Information sheet this study was interested in examining the relationship between personality, facebook usage and facebook jealousy taking into account individual differences.It is hoped that the results of this study will show a clear difference between personality types and levels of jealousy experienced when using facebook. If you have any issues regarding your participation in this study please do not hesitate to contact the researcher using the contact details below. [email protected] Each participant is given a participant number incase they wish to withdraw their questionnaires from the research, your participant number should be the initials of your first and last name and your age, please record this in the comment box below.