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Pet Health Insurance Product Survey

Pet Health Insurance Survey
Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How interested would you be in purchasing a medical insurance plan for your dog and/or cat?
Very interested
Very uninterested
I already have a medical insurance product for my animal/pet
* What do you currently use as a medical insurance plan for your dog and/or cat?
Self-insurance - Pay for everything myself
Similar product in the market
If applicable, please provide additional comments about your current similar product.
How important are the following features of a medical insurance plan for your dog and/or cat to you?
Least Important Most Important
* Covers illnesses
* Covers accidents
* Hereditary conditions cover
* Covers 90% of veterinary bills for all injuries and illnesses
* Chronic cover (with pre-authorization and case management)
* Claims are processed within 48 hours
* Payments are paid directly to the vet or the policy holder
Would the following attributes make you more or less interested in purchasing a medical insurance plan for your dog and/or cat?
Much Less Interested Somewhat Less Interested Neutral Somewhat More Interested Much More Interested
* Stand alone product per animal
* No annual limits and no sub-limits
* No breed exclusions
* Takes care of the essential acute and trauma events
* One page policy document, no technical jargon, hidden clauses or small print
* No Microchip, Permanent identification or tattoo required
* All cats and dogs from 8 weeks and under 8 years
* Senior pets over 8 years can get accident cover
* What would you expect to pay for a product if it had all of the above attributes?
Less than R100 per month
R100 - R149 per month
R150 - R199 per month
R200 - R249 per month
R250 plus per month
* How likely are you to buy this product if it has all the attributes described above?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
* If this product were available today, when would you be most likely to buy it?
Within i month from now
Between 1 and 3 months from now
Between 4 months and a year from now
I am not interested
Are there any additional attributes that you would want incorporated into this product?
Including self-insurance, please indicate the degree to which you agree/disagree with the following statements about the similar product you currently use.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
* Sufficient for my animal's needs
* Meets my service expectations
* It comfortably fits my budget
* Which purchase method would you prefer for this kind of product?
Mail order form
* Which payment method do you prefer?
Debit Order
Credit card
Debit card
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Prevention is better than cure, but accidents do happen for sure.