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What software/applications are in use in your declassification workflow?
Are the applications products of in-house development or did you hire a contractor to develop an automated solution? (Select all that apply)?
In-house development
Use of contractor(s)

If using a contactor(s), what contractor(s) do you use?
What technical system(s) run your declassification applications and is their connectivity to any other systems or architectures?
What parts of your declassification workflow are automated?
Describe the search capability or capabilities your agency has to search its records. How sophisticated is the search capability?
Are analysts crafting the searches, or does technology automate or assist the query formation?
Analysts crafting the searches
Automated or assisted the query formation
Do analysts have to create ontologies and libraries of terms, or does the technology in place generate these lists?
Created by analysts
Created by applications
Describe your agency's classification and declassification guides/guidance in use. (i.e. How many classification and declassification guides does your agency possess? Are these guides in a machine-readable format, or could they be converted to a machine-readable format?How often do you modify your guides? How are your classification and declassification guides integrated into your workflow?, etc.)
Does your agency use any technology to assist in rules-based analysis of your records?
Not sure
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