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17 and younger
18 - 24
25 - 32
33 - 40
41 - 50
51 or older
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High School Student
College Student
Grad Student
Graduated High School
Graduated College
You are guilty of plagiarism if you:
Make use of the works of others to gather information.
Use the work of another and misrepresent it as your own.
Make use of the works of others to support your own arguments.
Examine the ideas and arguments of others to help you shape your own thoughts or views on a particular issue.
When you paraphrase, you need to do all of the following (select all that apply):
Write it in your own words
Put quotation marks around it
Cite the source that it came from
Indent it

Plagiarism is defined by:
Using course material in your essay.
Passing off someone else’s work as your own.
Using too many quotations in your essay.
By changing a few words or the order of the original words, you have changed the author’s exact words.
Paraphrasing too closely to the original text, even if you do credit the source, is still considered as plagiarism because:
By changing a few words or the order of the original words, you have changed the author’s exact words.
By not providing the exact words of the author in their entirety, you are attributing to the author some words that he/she did not write.
You must never use the words of others when you are using their ideas.
You have failed to indicate, by means of direct quotation marks, which are the exact words of the original.
How serious is plagiarism?
It is not serious as long as no one finds out.
It is moderately serious, and most universities will overlook it with the proper corrections.
It is not serious at all under any circumstances.
It is gravely serious and many universities will expel students for it.
How can you avoid plagiarism?
Use your own words and ideas.
Give credit for copied, adapted, or paraphrased material.
Use paraphrasing instead, with or without citation.
A and B
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