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Hello Poet!

We would love to let you know that a number of people have asked us to get you talking about your poetry and shed more light about your life and the things you do so that they could connect with you. This, we feel will go a long way to giving your fans a good glimpse on your art and what you are passionate about in life. If it is okay with you, kindly interact with the questions and answer them to the best of your ability.

Thank you!

Kenyan Poets Lounge
Tell us about yourself and when your poetry journey begun.
What drives you to write a poem(s)? Is it also your profession or just a hobby?
How do you write your poems? Do you love observing the olden forms of writing or are you more into free verse? What works most for you and why?
Does music play any part in your work of art?
Do your readers or audience help you in any way to write new poems?
Tell us about the first poem you wrote.
Do you perform your pieces? If yes, which is your favorite poetry event, if any?
Do you read poetry books?
How many Kenyan poets do you know? Tell us at least three.