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Exit Survey
You are invited to participate in this survey to assess your readiness for an online class experience. 25 learners will be asked 9 questions. It will take approximately 10 minutes of your time to complete. Your participation is very important for me to gain this information so i can better serve your online needs. Thank you in advance,
What type of computer do you have to do your online class work
functioning desk top
functioning laptop
planning to purchase
no computer access
Where will you take your class
Neighbor's house
If you have computer access, what type of operating system do you have?
Window's 8
Microsoft word 2007
Microsoft word 2003
Don't know
How comfortable are you with using a computer to navigate and work online?
Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very uncomfortable
Don't feel comfortable at all
If Navigating the internet, what search engine do you use most often?
Google chrome
Mozilla Fox fire
Will you be able to work on your class work 2-4 hors a week or how often?
2-4 hours weekly
2 hours Monthly
less than one hour a week
Not sure right now
Do you have an email address?
Yes i have several
I will apply for one soon
Not familiar with emailing
Cannot use email at work
Do you have other sources you can access your class on like iphone, ipad, or other smart phones or internet access?
Yes i have other ways of accessing my class
I plan to purchase a smart phone
I can borrow someone else's ipad or smart phone
No I don't other access
What type of internet access do you have?
Dial up internet
I have a wireless internet box
None at present