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We are Students at West Virginia State University conducting research on a used automobile dealership that will be selling slightly used cars 2 years old to 10 years old. We appreciate you taking the time to honestly and accurately complete our survey. 
Have you ever bought a used car? 
*If “yes” proceed to question 2
*If “no” skip question 4
When was the last time you bought a car? 
6 months ago
1 year ago
2-6 years ago
7 years +
1) For your used vehicle purchase was it from a used dealership or an individual? Please name the business if your answer is dealership.
Comparing a new to used vehicle, would you say purchasing a used vehicle is a better value?
Do you feel vehicle financing is:
Very Helpful Helpful Neutral Not Helpful Not Helpful at all
Choose one of the following:
What is an amount of money you would feel comfortable spending on a used vehicle?
More than $15,000
More than $10,000 but less than $15,000
Around $10,000
Less than $10,000
More than $5,000 but less than $10,000
How do you feel about upgrading to a newer, used vehicle?
Very Likely Likely Neutral Not Likely Not Likely at all
Choose one of the following:
Would you consider yourself to be:
Upper Class Income
Middle Class Income
Lower to Middle Class Income
Lower Class Income
Prefer not to answer
What age group would you classify yourself in?