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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* How long you try to make money online?
Never tried but would like to start
Never tried or want to try
1-6 meses
6 months - 1 year
1 year - 2 years
2 years - 5 years
+ 5 years
* The money you earn on average per month with your online business?
less than 500 EUR
Less than 1000 EUR
Less than 3000 EUR
Less than 5000 EUR
Less than € 10,000
Less than € 30,000
More than € 30,000
* What is your realistic target in terms of monthly income for 2015 with your online business?
1000 - 5000 $
5000-10000 $
10000-20000 $
20000-50000 $
+ 50 0000 $
* What are your goals for this year 2015?
* What online business you are developing right now?
* What is the main challenge to develop your online business?
Overwhelmed with so much information
I do not know how to make my first 100 EUR or as even begin
I do not know generate traffic
I do not know convert the traffic into contacts and those contacts into sales
I do not have a mentor or working group to help me step by step
* You know that you need to invest in your training and work tools?
* Right now, how much you can invest?
100 $
500 $
1.000 $
5.000 $
* Make me a question, it can be in terms of training, information or curiosity;)
* What is your best Email?
Thank you for your time, this form is intended to understand how can I help you to achieve your goals!
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